Chapter 19: Time

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Yuu's POV: 

~ Shibuya ~

I sprint down the echoing corridors of headquarters, propelled by the urgent announcement of the vampire detainees' release. Upon reaching the cells reserved for the vampires, I scan the vacant enclosures, my heart pounding with apprehension.

Spotting a solitary figure confined in a specially secured cell, I approach the guard stationed nearby. "Who's in there?" I inquire, my voice laced with concern.

"That's the 'vampire princess'," the guard responds, his tone tinged with sarcasm. A surge of worry floods through me as I contemplate the fate of Kimiko and Mika.

"And the other two nobles?" I press, my voice trembling with nervous energy.

"Tenri Hīragi released them, keeping the princess in custody," the guard informs me matter-of-factly. My mind races with grim possibilities—Kimiko and Mika's safety hangs in the balance.

"Where can I find Lieutenant Colonel Guren?" I query, my thoughts consumed by the urgency of the situation.

"He's in a meeting with the leading families," the soldier replies, his expression impassive.

"Thank you," I murmur, swiftly making my way to the training room where my team awaits. Upon arrival, I relay the grim news to Kyato, Shinoa, Kimizuki, Mitsuba, and Yoichi.

"Hey, Yuu, what happened with Kimiko and Mika?" Kyato inquires, his voice tinged with concern.

"The guards mentioned that only the 'vampire princess' remains in custody. I don't have any information about Kimiko or Mika," I respond, my worry evident in my voice.

"Didn't she tell you?" Kyato interjects. "Kimiko is the vampire princess."

Kimiko's POV: 

~ Human Army Headquarters ~

Each day passes in a haze of confinement, my mind a battleground of conflicting emotions and impulses. Suspended in my cell, I grapple with the primal urge to unleash my vampiric instincts, a constant threat lurking just beneath the surface.

As I dwell on the precariousness of our situation, a guard interrupts my thoughts with an unexpected announcement. "Hey, vampire, you have a visitor," he calls out, rousing me from my reverie.

"A visitor?" I echo quietly, my curiosity piqued as I lift my gaze to behold Yuu's familiar form approaching.

"Don't hug me, Yuu, I don't trust myself," I caution, my voice laden with regret and self-reproach.

"I'm so sorry that this has happened to you," Yuu murmurs sympathetically, his words a balm to my wounded soul.

"It's not your fault. It's mine for venturing into Shinjuku," I concede, my gaze falling to the floor in shame.

"What's your plan to escape?" Yuu inquires, his voice laced with concern and determination.

"Truth be told, I don't have one. With Mika unable to return to the vampires and Haruhi missing, my options are limited," I confess, my voice heavy with resignation.

"Then we'll find another way. Kyato's apprehension suggests there's more to your story than meets the eye," Yuu asserts, his unwavering support a source of comfort amidst the chaos.

"The guilt weighs heavily on me. The things I've done... I can't bear to dwell on them," I confess, my voice trembling with remorse.

"It's okay, Kimiko. You don't have to relive those memories," Yuu reassures me, his words a beacon of understanding and compassion.

"But those actions sealed my fate as the next heir to the vampire throne," I reveal, my voice laced with sorrow and regret.

"Really?" Yuu responds, his confusion evident as he grapples with the revelation.

"I was raised among vampires—twisted souls capable of both cruelty and kindness. I miss them, despite everything," I admit, a pang of longing tugging at my heartstrings.

As Yuu departs, his promise to secure my freedom offers a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatens to consume me.

I trust you, Yuu. Please, don't let me succumb to the darkness.

Mika's POV: 

~ Unknown ~

"What's our next move?" Haruhi inquires, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"We're going to save Kimiko," I declare, determination coursing through my veins. With Haruhi by my side, we set off towards the human city, the weight of our mission heavy upon our shoulders.

As we traverse the desolate landscape, we encounter a formidable obstacle in the form of four horsemen of John. "Haruhi, take the one on the left. I'll handle the one on the right," I instruct, our synchronized movements a testament to our unspoken bond.

Haruhi dispatches her opponent with ease, her skill and determination evident in every fluid movement. "Nice one," I commend her, pride swelling within me.

Turning my attention to my adversary, I summon my sword with a whispered command. The vines coil around my hand, imbuing me with a sense of purpose and strength. With a swift, decisive strike, I vanquish the creature, its demise a testament to our unwavering resolve.

"I'm coming, Kimiko. Nothing will stand in our way," I vow, my determination unyielding as we press onward into the unknown.

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