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400 years ago, in the year x284, was a powerful man who united under one banner, and he himself would become king and lead the human race to prosperity and protect them from the dangers of the world. according to legend, the six gods had chosen that man, these gods were the ones who created Ishgar, and their name were mentions through history.

Titan, the Archaean. The one who created the land and the mountains He was known as the god of earth and the ancestor of all Titan and giants.

Leviathan, the Hydraean. The one who created the ocean She was known as the goddess of the seas and the ancestor of all sea creatures.

Shiva, the Glacian. the one who created the arctic land and bring snow to the world. She was known as the goddess of ice and the ancestor of all fairies.

Ramuh, the Fulgurian. The one who controls the weather and the sky's He was known as the god of storms and the one who brought knowledge to humanity.

Ifrit, the Infernian, is said to be the one who created the volcanic area and brought fire to the human race until he rebelled. He was known as the god of flame, and the ancestor of all demons.

Bahamut, the Draconian ( deeds unknown ), he was known as the god of war and the ancestor of all dragons.

the man bloodline, and his future successors will lead mankind. From then on, this would be known as the era of the Lucis Kings, or more commonly known as the Golden Era. Human expansion began throughout Ishgar, and for the next few hundred years, a time of peace, protection, and order would overcome the world. It was up to the future generations to watch over Ishgar. But all that would come to a stop. More than 13 generations later, in the year X617, the Lucis bloodline suddenly vanished. Ishgar was in demise, cause by the black dragons Acnologia. Without their leader, hope was lost. Until few brave souls to stand up and lead the world would split up the lands into kingdoms, each kingdom united under one ruler. Without one emperor to rule them all, it would seem easier to govern the good people of Ishgar. With the land split into kingdoms, it has now become the world of Ishagr we know and love today.

When a Lucis King dies, their soul transfers onto a ring called the Ring of Lucii. The ring itself is passed on, generation after generation. The current wearer of the ring can even commune with the previous kings of Lucis. And according to legend, the Ring of the Lucii was bestowed upon the kings of Lucis by the six gods themselves. The deceased kings of Lucis are entombed in hidden royal tombs and leave behind weapons of their legacy, known as royal arms, to empower their descendants who seek them out. Only those of the Lucian lineage can brandish the royal arms, which glow when grasped by their rightful wielders.
royal arms, weapons that contain the power of the light. Weapons were said to be so strong they could even pierce through anything. And as they contain the power of light, they are most effective against demons.
It was once prophesied that one man of the royal Lucian bloodline would arise one day, possessing the power of the king and wielding all the royal arms of the past Lucian kings before him. The coming of the true king, the King of Kings, said to be the bringer of peace and destroyer of all things evil. But when?

July 6, X777
In an isolated location of Fiore,was a forest. There was a boy at the age of 11, and his name is Yuto, or Yu for short. He has black hair and bright blue eyes. He was an optimistic boy, filled with many hopes and dreams, like all children alike.

He was practicing his sword skills as his dream was to become a traveler.

His caretaker watched him from the tree, and her name was Gentiana, a woman who took care of him when he was just a baby. He never knew who his parents were or what they looked like, but he never cared because he had a mother figure who took care of him.

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