Chapter 36: Only Your Words

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Yu was trying to comfort Wendy after she found out that Nirvana was moving towards her Guild and Home, Cait Shelter.

Yu: "Everything will be alright Wendy. We're gonna go stop them before they arrive there, alright? We can get moving as soon as Carla recovers enough to fly."

Wendy: "B-but, what if we don't stop it in time?"

Yu: "We will Wendy, don't think about what happens if we all fail now, 'cause it's not going to happen!"

Carla: "He's right Child. If you keep thinking those negative thoughts then it really will happen."

Yu: "Stay on the positive and do your best!"

Wendy: "You're right... I have to stay calm, no matter what!"

Carla: "Also, you just came up here because you thought you could find Jellal here, didn't you?"

Wendy: "Huh? *Looks away* T-that's not true!"

Yu: "...You lied just now didn't you?"

Wendy: "What?! How did you know?"

Yu: "Just guessing."

Wendy then blushed slightly before responding.

Wendy: "Okay maybe... but since I'm already here, I'm gonna help find a way to go stop Nirvana!"

Yu: "Heh, alright then. Let's get going. If we make our way through this weird-looking city, I'm sure we will come across someone."

Wendy: "Okay! Are you ready Carla?"

Carla: "Yes, I'm fine now. Let's go!"

Together, Wendy, Carla, and Yu ran into the city, ignoring its odd design and creepy look. After a while, Wendy suddenly trips on a random pebble and falls to the ground with her arms straight out in front of her, letting out a small scream in the process and causing Yu and Carla to stop and turn around.

Yu: "Umm, are you okay Wendy?"

Wendy: "Ow... I'm fine. It happens a lot so I'm used to it."

Yu: "That doesn't sound like a very good thing to get used to..."

Yu and Carla then walked back toward Wendy to check on her. As they did so, a roar pierced the air and filled their ears. The roar was loud enough to force Yu to flinch slightly and cover his ears. Carla started to do the same for a moment before going back to normal.

Yu: "M-my ears! What the heck is that?"

Wendy: "That sounds like a scary monster..."

Yu: "It almost sounds like a Dragon is roaring... wait, it's Natsu!"

Yu held out his hand towards Wendy, which she gratefully took, and pulled her back up to her feet. Together, the two ran off in the direction of the roar. Moments after, they found Jura, Lucy, and Gray standing over Brain, who appeared to be defeated, as well as Natsu on the ground motion sick, and Cobra with a painful-looking injury on his back. Happy was a good distance from everyone else laying down on the ground, completely tired out.

Wendy: "Hey, everyone!"

Carla: "Of course, only these hooligans can cause such a ruckus."

Yu: "You're a sight for sore eyes, aren't you Natsu?"

Wend: "I think this thing is headed towards Cait Shelter!"

Wendy then gasped as she looked at Brain on the ground.

Gray: "That snake charmer is over there as well."

Gray then pointed over to a downed Cobra.

Wendy: "I think this thing is headed towards Cait Shelter!"

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