Chapter 25: Battle of Fairy Tail

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It is in the middle of the day, and Yu was helping Mirajane and Makarov buy things in order to prepare for the Phantasia Parade.

Yu: "Why am I coming along again?"

Mirajane: "Because you are really strong, and you know what to buy."

Yu: "But is it really necessary to get all of this Master?"

Makarov: "Of course boyo! People from all over the country come to see our parade so everything we have here will be used. We can't let our fans down now can we?"

Mirajane: "It would be nice if Laxus joined us for once."

Yu: "He never does, even when we ask him."

Makarov: "The less said about that bum the better."

Yu: "That's harsh, even for your grandson Master. Although, I did see him around town today, so I guess we might as well ask while he's here."

Mirajane: "Levy told me he was in town too. I agree with at least asking."

Makarov: "He came back?"

Makarov then stopped walking, and stared at the ground, causing Mirajane and Yu to stop a few steps from him and looked at him.

Yu: "Master? Are you alright?"

Mirajane: "Is something the matter?"

Makarov: "Of all the times you decide to show up, why now?"


Makarov was walking down a small street so that he could watch the Phantasia Parade.


In response to this, Makarov turned around to see a young Laxus Dreyar running towards him.

Makarov: "My Grandson! What is it, my boy?"

Kid Laxus: "Your not gonna be part of the Fantasia Parade?"

Makarov: "Why would I do that when I promised to watch it with you?"

Kid Laxus: "Alright! Hey Gramps, you're gonna let me join the Fairy Tail Guild someday when I get older right?"

Makarov: "Sure, when you get a little older!"

Laxus then jumped into the air in excitement and ran towards the crowd to go watch the Fantasia Parade, but with him being so short, he could not even see past to watch.

Laxus: "Awww, I can't see!"

Suddenly, Laxus was sprung upwards, revealing that Makarov had carried Laxus upwards above the building by expanding his body.

Makarov: "There, now you can see right? Fairy Tail Wizards are pretty cool aren't they?"

Laxus: "You bet! They are all so cool! You're the best Guild Master ever Gramps!"

With that, Laxus and Makarov continued to enjoy the rest of the Fantasia Parade.

Flashback End

Makarov stayed silent for the rest of that trip as they walked back to the Guild Hall.


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