Chapter 35: March to Destruction

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Jellal was already on the ground by the time Yu had reached him, and when he did, Yu lifted Jellal back up by the collar of his shirt.

Yu: "Where do you think you're goin bastard?!"

Jellal: "I just said I'm sacrificing myself to free Erza from her pain!"

The Magic Circle slowly started to complete itself.

Yu: "Sacrificing yourself will do nothing to remove her pain! You think you can just take your own life and all the pain will magically go away! No, that has to be the stupidest thing I've heard ever! You need to live, and atone for your actions! If you think I'm gonna let you kill yourself to avoid atoning for everything then you are dead wrong! All you can do now is to push onward always, accepting the consequences and never looking back!"

Jellal slowly started to close his eyes, and Erza started to run towards Yu and Jellal, tears coming out of her eyes as she ran.

Erza: "JELLAL!!!"

Yu stared at Jellal in anger as the Self-Destruction Squares slowly continued to complete itself! For a moment, Jellal's eyes opened again, and then he looked at Erza.

Jellal: "Erza, please don't cry. You're a good person, you know. As for you... please, don't let her cry again, as a good friend..."

Jellal's eyes then closed again and he went unconscious.

Cobra: "No! All this work we did! Everything we went through! Will it all be for nothing!"

Yu: "Pull yourself together! You are not dying here! Do you hear me? You are not-"

The loud sound of staff hitting the ground caused everyone to look back. Brain revealed himself and sure enough, Specter was right behind him.

Brain: "What could be the meaning of all this foolishness?"

Ravus: "How can you mess up something as simple as a tailing mission?"

Erza wiped her tears and turned to face Brain. Yu placed Jellal on the ground and turned to face the two.

Brain and Ravus then looked at the magic circle forming in Nirvana.

Brain: "Oh? A Square of Self Destruction?"

Cobra: "This is all Jellal's doing! We've done everything we can to bring about Nirvana, and he's trying to ruin it all by destroying it!"

Brain smirked as he walked towards the group. Ravus walks close behind him.

Brain: "Spare me the hysterics. I'm not called Brain by mere chance after all. Do you know why I am called that? I used to work at the Bureau of Magical Development. During my time of tenure there I developed hundreds of spells, including one designed to bring magical destruction like this one! I remember every single one I created. I even remember teaching you how to cast this one. Or, have you forgotten, Jellal?"

Yu stared at him in disbelief, as Ravus suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed him by his face, lifting him into the air. Yu grunted in pain as he struggled against Ravus's grip. Erza was too shocked to do anything.

Ravus: "If I recall, you gave us quite a bit of trouble during our last encounter. You're too dangerous to be allowed to roam around on your own, so how about I end you?"

Brain: "Put him down Ravus. After Nirvana reaches its final stage then he won't be able to do anything."

Ravus: "As you wish, Brain."

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