Chapter 19: next generation

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Meanwhile, back at the guild, Mirajane announces that the request board is back up.

Mirajane: "everyone! You can all take jobs again starting today! It's just a job a temporary counter but does all the job you can!"

Everyone: "YEAH!"

Every member of Fairy Tail runs to get a job. Moments later. While Lucy and Yu sat on the stall with Mira.

Lucy: "what with them? Usually, they're just hanging around not taking any jobs."

Yu: "that's because they just playing lazy."

Lucy: "I see. oh, yeah. I haven't seen Loke around..."

Mirajane: "I see you've finally fallen for Loke's touch then, Lucy."

Lucy: "that's not it!" I just heard that he found my keys, so I wanted to thank him."

Mirajane: "sure, Yu and I will tell him if we see him around."

Yu: "by the way, weren't your spirits angry about you dropping your keys"

Lucy: "hehe, oh. It wasn't enough for them to get that mad about."

Lucy was thinking about her mermaid celestial spirit Aquarius.

Lucy: "just remember makes my but sting."

Mirajan: "oh my."

Behind Lucy was Gray.

Gray: "shall I chill it for you?" *activating his ice*

Lucy: "I don't need innuendo-style sexual harassment."

Happy: "Lucy, let me see your bright red butt!"

Lucy: "and no overt sexual harassment either!"

Beside Yu, Natsu activates his fire with a smirk on his face.

Natsu: "I wonder what she'll look like if I make it sting even more!"

Lucy: "you're such a devil."

Suddenly a barrel came flying and hit Natsu in the end.

Erza: "Try dying that again!"

Erza is shown to be arguing with Laxus making everyone look toward the conversation. Yu saw this and went toward where Erza and Luxas were.

Luxas: this time I'll tell you straight out, we don't need weaklings in this guild!"

Luxas look behind to where Jet and Droy were at.

Luxas: "you guys are pitiful, getting humiliated by Phantom like that, and wait, I don't even know your names."

Looking at Lucy.

Luxas: "and you there, the main culprit, the one deputation celestial spirit user... it was your fault."

And finally looking at Yu, who was in the middle of the conversation.

Luxas: "and finally you, you suppose to be an S-class wizard, the one who was supposed to be the strongest, but instead you got beaten by Iron boy."

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