Another Story

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As you slept. You tossed a little. Your face scrunched up like you were in trouble. Your ears twitched snd your tail began to stir.

You were having a bad dream. Except, somehow, it felt more real than ever. Like whatever this dream was. Actually happened

The camera faces you from above as you sleep in your bed. Then ir quickly zooms in in your face before it focuses on hour eyes.

And suddenly, with a gasp they fly open. Except as the camera zooms out, once again its the woman. Irina.

Once again she is standing in the heavily pouring rain. Her eyes focused and full of hatred. With your old keyblade in her hand. She stars forward at her opponent.

Danni laugh maniacally as he stars at her with a crazed and hungry look. Bloodshot eyes meeting her brilliant emerald eyes. Then she growls as more keyblade wielders die as they kill each other around the two of them. Forming a ring around them as they fight. Almost like an arena.

As Danni chuckles. irina enters a stance that perfectly resembles yours. Then she grunts "tch! Danni!" She shouts. And he just lifts his head with a smile. A keyblade forming in his hand.

"Come dear sister! Let us see who is purest of heart!"

Irina screamed with rage as her dyes began to burn with the purple flame of darkness as her rage peaked. But then the flames vanished as she blinked.

Irina ran toward Danni in a way that perfectly copied your running style as she yelled. "HHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" She screeched as her voice cracked. She jumped and performed blitz as she slammed her keyblade down on Danni, who casually blocked it with his own.

"Impressive!" He says before he reaches forward and grabs her face with his free hand. Then he grunts and bends down as he slams her onto the ground.

He then prepares to stab her with his leyblade, but she moves her legs to scissor him as he trips and falls.

Then Irina rolled backwards to recover. As she ran back at him.

"Ha!" She yelled as she swung her keyblade as he stood up. It connected as she hit him. Then she swung again and again and again. Performing your exact default combo.

With the final bit knocking Danni back. He seemingly teleports behind her instantly as he holds our his hand "Enough!" He shouts.

A sharp needle shape beam of darkness fires from his hand toward her back, but she reacts quickly as she teleports as well.

This time instead id leaving a dark corridor. She leaves from a halo of light with Angel feathers as she flies at him.

"Hhuuuuuaaaaaa!" She yells as she flies at him. But he counters with a block as she hits his keyblade and grunts "guh!" As she recoils from the parry.

Then Danni retaliates with a 4 hit combo. A swing from left to right, then back to his left before he turns and kicks her before he finishes his spin and stabs her with his keyblade. She falls back but recovers.

Then he floats backward as he laughs like hes insane. Irina recovers as she stares at him. Then he points his keyblade into the air "BE CONSUMED NOW BY YOUR RAGE!" he then swings his keyblade down to face her as a beam of darkness flies at her. She holds up her Keyblade to block it but it pushes back and makes her slide backwards a little. She yells in retaliation as she struggles to push back.

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