Stat wars pijjama - spencer reid

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¡Smut!Sometimes Spencer is too innocent for this world.

¡Smut!Sometimes Spencer is too innocent for this world

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Dating Spencer Reid had been a dream come true. He was the epitome of the perfect man, sweet, kind, funny, and the cutest human being he'd ever met.
He was gentlemanly, holding any door that they walked through. He bought him coffee every morning along with a muffin that was always blueberry, he knew it was his favorite. It also helped with how affectionate he was, always wanting to be close to him. if they were sitting on his couch, his arm was around his shoulder. If they were in the conference room, his hand was holding him under the table.
He gave him a good morning forehead kiss when he came into the bullpen, it was usually when he dropped off the coffee and muffin. It was like a cute little tradition he invented. He was never big on touch so at first he wasn't very open with the whole affection thing, but already knowing him for a few months in advance helped with the process.
Now he had absolutely no problem using touch to express his affection for him.
they'd never slept over at one another's apartment before. sure, they spent late nights together, but never sleeping over. but Spencer raised the proposition of him spending the night at his place. He knew how big of a step it was for him, so he didn't make a huge deal out of it, at least in front of him. He went to Garcia's bat cave and gushed to him about it.
he wasn't going to lie, he was nervous. how couldn't he be—it was spencer.
When he left work, he made sure to pack an overnight bag. He put in a change of underwear, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a change of clothes for the next day, and finally, a pair of pajamas.
He looked over his options for his night clothes, biting his lip as he weighed his options. He could just bring a big shirt and a pair of sweatpants, or he could bring a pair that was slightly on the more risqué side. It was a pair of cotton pink shorts with a black lace trim, and a pink matching top. The bottoms were on the shorter side but not short enough to go to the point of no return. He decided on going with the second option.
Spencer had told him earlier to come by around eight, giving him about a half an hour until he had to be there. It was a fifteen minute drive from his apartment complex to his, so he had a good bit of time to get ready beforehand.
It was going to be a normal night like always, getting takeout and watching a movie on the couch. They alternated with who got to choose the movie, last time it was Spencer's, he had chosen some old movie in russian. He didn't really care about what they watched, he enjoyed time spent with him all the same. It was also very nice to have him whispering the translations in his ear all night, even though there were captions.
his words were; the captions aren't the same as the original translations.
tonight it was him turn to choose. he would always pick a newer movie, all of them ones that spencer had never seen. he enjoyed the movies he chose, mostly for the fact that he loved anything that made him happy, and if that meant sitting through a movie full of slang and jokes he didn't understand, he'd do it.
He took a shower, washed his hair and shaved. him and spencer hadn't gone any further than kissing, a few times they had even made-out. but it never escalated more than that, and he truly didn't mind. He'd wait forever for him, and always would. He enjoyed the little kisses and cuddles more than anything.
but that didn't stop him from shaving his legs and armpits. He washed his whole body with vanilla-scented products. his shampoo, conditioner, and body wash were all the same scent, making sure he smelt of subtle vanilla all the time.
After getting out of the shower, he checked his phone to see he had a text from spencer. he rarely texted, always calling instead. He could barely work his phone and mostly used it for work.
spence: I'm ordering the food, is Chinese ok?
you: Chinese is great!
spence: Alright! See you at eight :-)
you: <33
he smiled down at his phone.
Stuffing it into the back pocket of his jeans, he grabbed his bag and keys, making his way out of his house and into the hall. After making sure his door was locked, he went down the elevator and out to the parking lot to get into his car.
The drive was short and smooth, arriving at Spencer's complex in fifteen minutes.
he pulled into the visitors section of his complex, turning off the engine, grabbing his bag and hopping out. He locked the doors and walked into the old building. After ringing Spencer's doorbell from the lobby and being buzzed-in, he took the elevator and went to his floor.
it only took ten seconds for the door to open after he knocked, spencer there with a broad grin on his gorgeous face.
"hey!" he greeted happily, walking past spencer when he stepped to the side. he slipped his shoes off and put them up on the rack, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it up on one of the hooks next to his. he turned back around and leaned up on him tiptoes, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. his smile widened at that, a subtle blush rising to his cheeks.
"hi." he greeted, taking his bag from his hand and running off to his room, only to return a minute later with a smile on his face. "ready to eat?" he asked, putting his hand out for him to take. he gave a nod and took his outstretched hand into his, letting him lead him to the couch where a couple blankets were folded-up on the end and the food placed out along the coffee table in front of the couch.
"so, for the movie I think we should watch the breakfast club!" he revealed with a smile, taking the plastic lid off the container of lo-mein. "Have you seen it?" he asked, looking over to him. He shook his head shyly, handing him a fork. "how have you never seen it? it's like.. the best movie ever created." he gaped at him, eyebrows raised and eyes widened.
he blushed and shrugged. "I've heard great things about it, I've just never gotten around to watching it." he admitted with a shy blush. He couldn't help but giggle at that, leaning forward to peck him on the cheek once again. "You missed." he pouted, folding his arms over his chest with a pout. He pinched his eyebrows together, thinking it made him look more intimidating when it only made him look even cuter than before.
he rolled his eyes with a chuckle, kissing him on the lips this time.
After Spencer had rented the movie, they ate and watched in a comfortable silence filling the room. aside from Spencer's few comments about the movie, and y/n's teasing when he didn't understand a joke that was made. He certainly did not enjoy him gushing over brian johnson.
"what do you even like about him?" he asked, leaning back against the couch as the credits rolled. He leaned back with him and rolled his eyes at his obvious jealousy, putting his hand on his thigh with a shrug.
"He's cute and nerdy, he kind of reminds me of you." he teased, his cheeks going bright red once again.
"i-i'm not cute.. or nerdy." he shot back through a pout.
"Aw yes you are, you're the cutest boy i've ever seen." he said. He tried to suppress his smile through a glare, but his efforts were no match for the wide smile on his lips that made him crack.
"whatever. time for bed!" he announced, hopping up from the couch to put all the food away. He got up with him, picking up the empty containers and following him to the kitchen where they disposed of the empty ones in the trash and the leftovers put in the fridge. "Do you need to take a shower?" he asked once they were in his room, looking over to him.
"nope! I took a shower before I came." he replied with a smile. "Do you mind if I go into the bathroom to change?" he said as he pulled his pajamas, toothbrush and toothpaste out from his black duffle bag.
"Of course, I'll change while you're there," he said.
he walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, slipping him shirt and pants off. he let out a sigh of relief once he was freed from the constraint of the pants. he took him jeans off and grabbed the pajama shorts, sliding them up him legs. he pulled the shirt on over him head and looked in the mirror
The shirt ended above his belly button, the satin-like material covering most of his chest and bottom. if he were to bend down the bottoms would definitely ride up, he took a mental note to crouch if he needed something from his bag. He brushed his teeth fairly quickly, taking his possessions into his arms and walked back out to the room.
Spencer looked up at him with a smile, his eyes trailing down his figure and his lips parting. He saw him visibly gulp, licking his lips and clearing his throat.
"y-you look.. you look nice." he choked out, scratching the back of his neck as he looked up at him.
"You look adorable." he replied. He wore a red pair of pajama pants with star wars characters darted around it with a white tee shirt. He looked down at his attire and then back at his, his face flushing bright red once again. "No need to be embarrassed, baby. you look so cute." he winked, dropping things into him bag and walking over to the bed.
"i-i normally sleep on the right side.. do you mind sleeping on the left?" he asked. He smiled at that, nodding his head. "ok great." he swallowed, watching as he climbed into the bed and pulled the covers back to tuck herself in. he did the same, pulling the blankets back and laying down beside him. he was soothed by him warmth immediately, wanting to get as close as possible without coming off as too needy.
"come here." he whispered, waving him over. he complied as soon as the words left him mouth, moving as close as humanly possible. he draped his arm over his waist, pulling him closer to him. he snuggled up to him, nuzzling him face into the crook of his neck with a sigh of contentment. It wasn't until him leg drifted up in between his legs that he felt him. He could almost hear his nervous gulp, a mischievous smirk rising to his lips.
"i-i'm sorry." he choked out. "y-you just look s-so pretty in y-your pajamas and- ah!" his stuttering was cut off when he began moving his leg back and forth, creating friction on his bulge. He couldn't stop the buck of his hips, a needy whine escaping his lips. "o-oh." he breathed out through a quiet moan.
"need some help, baby?" he offered. he couldn't see him face from the darkness, but he could feel the smirk on his face. he nodded wordlessly, grinding his hips down onto him thigh. he continued the painfully slowly pace, moving him leg so slowly he couldn't help but whimper as he tried to move his own hips faster. "what do you need?" he whispered, his voice sweet and smooth.
"i-i-" he could barely get a word out, his mind clouded and fuzzy from the feeling of his thigh still rubbing against him. He stopped momentarily, letting him get his thoughts together. "c-can you.. can you just.. t-touch me?" he took pity on him, nodding his head and slowly slipping him hand down his chest and to the waistband of his pants. his breath hitched as he rubbed along the skin just above his pants, finally slipping his hand into his boxers and grabbing hold of him.
he let out a pitiful whine, bucking forward as he wrapped him hand around his length. he wasn't going to lie, he was a little surprised by how big he was, from his lanky build he'd assumed he'd be a little smaller but he was definitely not disappointed. he slowly stroked up and down his full length, running the pad of him thumb over his slit once he reached the top. he let out a particularly loud moan when he did that, stuffing his face into the crook of him neck with a small whimper.
He dragged his hand down to the base of his cock, gripping it enough that he was holding him but he could still move on his own. "Come on, baby, you know what to do." he whispered seductively in his ear, gently nibbling on his earlobe. He felt his whimper rumbling on his skin more than he heard it as he slowly began thrusting his hips back and forth.
Once he got more comfortable, he began moving faster, thrusting into his cupped hand as he let out little mewls and whined into his neck. his hands were firmly planted on his hips, his lips going to kiss at any skin he could reach as he sped-up his hips.
"oh- mhm." he moaned into his neck, his hips thrusting hard and fast into his hand. "ah!" he cried as he tightened his grip on him, his hips having a mind of their own as he went even faster.
"Do you like that baby?" he asked. Even though it was a rhetorical question, he nodded his head vigorously, his thrusts growing desperate and frantic, desperate for the release he was chasing. "Are you going to come for me, angel?" he asked so quietly he wouldn't have heard it if his mouth weren't right next to his ear.
"y-yes, yes, yes!" he cried in a whiny and high-pitched voice. "so c-close."
"Come for me." he purred into his ear.
that was all it took for his dick to twitch in him hand, his hips bucking up one last time before he finished with a loud cry, sinking his teeth into him shoulder to stifle the moans and whimpers begging to be released. he panted heavily, his chest heaving as he came down. he pulled him hand away, using him fee hand to pet his hair as he came down.
there was a pregnant pause of silence before he spoke up.
"You ok, baby?" he whispered, stroking his hair gently and comfortingly. he pulled his head out of the crook of his neck, his face flushed red from their little activity and shyness. All he could do was nod, words lost on him. "I'm going to go wash my hands, I'll be right back." he let go of him and nodded, his silence making him bite down on his bottom lip.
had he regretted what they'd done? he couldn't help but think to herself as he washed the remnants of his release off his hands, using his cherry scented soap to clean his hands. When he left the bathroom and walked back into his room he saw him lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling with his hands folded behind his head.
he looked over at him entrance and he smiled, waving him over. he felt him anxieties melt away as he skipped over to him, jumping into the bed with a small giggle from the boy beside him. he looked up at him, mesmerized by the way his curls fanned out around his head like a halo on the pillow. him eyes trailed lower to see his shirt had ridden up, his midsection showing. He licked his lips at that, never having seen him without a shirt off before and finally seeing even just a sliver of it got him all hot inside.
"Was that.. too much?" he worried, his eyes gazing into his with concern.
"what? no! of course not.. i-i really liked it.. i was just thinking.. y-you did that for m-me and i-i want to.. I want to.. do s-something for y-you." he stuttered out, his nervous and blushy face making him smile sweetly up at him. He leaned up and pressed a sweet kiss to his soft lips.
"if you're not too tired-"
"I'm not tired!" he rushed out, blushing even harder at his own eagerness. He just giggled and shook his head, pursing his lips and swallowing. "d-do you um.. is there something s-specific you want?" he asked gently, putting his hand on his hip, running his thumb along his soft, exposed skin. He was laying on his side so he pulled him closer, licking his lips as he looked him up and down.
He was surprised at that. none of the guys he'd been with before ever asked him what he specifically wanted, they just assumed and did whatever they thought would be good enough. that was it they even did anything for his return, a lot of them just took a blowjob or a handjob and didn't bother taking care of him after.
"Do you think you could just.. use your hands?" he spit out nervously, his face flushing at the implication of the words.
he just nodded giddily in response, using his grip on his hips to hoist his up and onto him. he gasped in shock at his strength, his lanky build made it seem as though he'd be pretty.. weak. he was straddling his stomach, his knees sat on either side of his abdomen. The position was a bit of an odd choice for fingering, but he decided not to question it.
his hands drifted down to the waistband of his shorts, his fingers hooking inside of them and running along the scrunched fabric. "can i?" he looked up at him, his eyes gazing into hers as he asked for permission. his heart swelled at his need to ask for consent even though he had already said he wanted to, he found it incredibly sweet and made him seem even hotter in his eyes.
he just nodded, watching as his eyes went back down, slowly pulling his shorts down his legs and completely off with the help of his pulling them off of his ankles. He tossed it onto the floor, looking over to see his eyes glued to his underwear-covered center. there was a dark look in his eyes, his pupils dilated so much that the brown of his eyes was almost completely covered with black.
"Do you want to keep them on or off?" he asked once again.
He responded by pulling his underwear off and dropping them onto the floor where his shorts were. He kept his eyes on his face, trying his best to be respectful and not look down at his exposed area.
"you can look, spence." he whispered, a smile on his lips that he felt would never leave as long as he was with him.
he looked down immediately after that, his jaw dropping at the sight of his intimate parts. his tongue swiped over his bottom lip, his hands going to rest on his thighs, his thumbs rubbing circles on his skin. he kept them there for a few moments, eventually trailing them up to his hips, keeping them there and repeating the actions from before. he looked up to his for permission once again, waiting until he nodded before he moved one of his hands away from his hips.
he brought his middle and ring finger up to his lips, popping them into his mouth and sucking on them. his eyes widened at the lewd sight, his walls clenching around nothing. he whimpered, pulling his arm away and looking up at him with pleading eyes. he took that as his cue to start touching his. he brought his now wet fingers down, trailing them down his slit. he groaned at the feel of his soaked heat on his fingertips.
a shudder went through his body at the feel of his cold hands touching his. he slowly slipped the two fingers inside of his, a quiet gasp sounding from his at the feel of his long and thick fingers filling his. he couldn't hold back at groan at the feel of his tight core squeezing his digits, his mind drifting to how it'd feel to have a different part of his body inside his. he was so warm and wet, it messed with his mind in the best way possible.
"ride 'em." he rasped out, his voice low, sending shivers down his spine.
he obliged immediately, rising up on his knees before going back down. he let out a loud moan, setting a fast past right away. he bounced on his fingers, letting out a loud cry when he curled his fingers toward himself, his fingers rubbing over his g-spot with every thrust of his hips. his hands rested on his chest, holding herself up as he moved on top of him.
"How's that feeling, baby?" he whispered, his eyes flickering up to the blissed-out expression on his face.
"s-so good." he said through a whimper, his thrusts increasing in speed as his fingernails dug into his chest. He didn't mind the sting, more focused on the wet sounds that emitted from his fingers thrusting in and out of his tight center.
he could feel his stomach tightening already, his fingers making his feel better than he ever had felt before. his breasts bounced with every thrust, one of his hands coming up to grope it as he bounced like a madman on his digits.
"Oh god!" he cried out, his back arching forward.
his hand left his breast, holding his hips still as he thrusted in and out of his on his own accord. his fingers moved so fast he saw stars. He let out a groan when he clenched around him, his fingertips rubbing against his sweet spot and his palm stimulating him at the same time.
"i-i'm so close." he whined, grinding his hips down onto his hand. He nodded and went even faster, pulling another loud moan from his lips. his head fell back, falling against his chest as he clutched onto his shirt. "s-spence." he moaned.
"Come for me, come on my fingers, i want it so bad." he groaned into his ear, as if he derived pleasure just from giving his pleasure. as if his body was waiting for his command, he came. hard.
his legs shook and his walls clenched, his nails digging into his skin again as he came on his fingers. His fast pace didn't slow for a good twenty seconds, even after he came. He whimpered at the overstimulation, his hips bucking forward. He slowed down, massaging his inner walls as he pulled out.
he pulled away from him, his eyes droopy and his mouth parted to let out his heavy pants. he watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them into his mouth with a muffled moan. he licked every last drop of his arousal off his fingers, keeping intense eye contact with his the entire time.
"fuck, spence.. that was- that was amazing." he let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head as he calmed down.
he shifted under his with a blush. "I'm glad.. you taste really good by the way." he said it so casually he didn't even realize what he was saying at first, but once he did he gasped and blushed, swatting his chest with his hand.
"spencer!" he squeaked with a giggle, hiding his face in his chest. they spent the next few minutes in a comfortable silence, spencer rubbing his hand along his back soothingly, placing kisses on his head every few seconds. he loved the feeling of just being close to his, his heart swarming with butterflies as he nuzzled his face closer into his neck. he could feel his little breaths on his neck, his soft lips squished into his skin, sometimes leaving little kisses that sent palpitations to his full of love heart.
"i'm hard again."
"i knew it."

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