Shower time - Bang Chan

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¡Smut!You are in the middle of a shower and Chan decides to go in and take a bath with you.

¡Smut!You are in the middle of a shower and Chan decides to go in and take a bath with you

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Second Person POV

You hum, scrubbing at your scalp with your fingers as you wash your hair. You had a song stuck in your head, but you couldn't remember the lyrics, only the tune. It was probably something you had heard from Chan if you were being honest.
Rinsing your hair, you close your eyes and tilt your head back. You wipe your face, opening your eyes with a yawn. It was late and you were slightly tired. 1:00 AM showers are probably a bad habit, but they were really the only showers that you had any motivation to take.
Your head perks up at hearing the bathroom door open, peeking out of the curtain to see Chan walking into the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He sets his clothing on the counter next to yours.
You raise an eyebrow, "Babe?"
He looks at you with his classic blank face before letting the towel drop. You blink and take in his body. It wasn't the first time you had seen him undressed like this but it still shocked you each time you saw how big he was. And the muscles really didn't hurt either. Like, at all. He was basically a fucking god with how hot he was. Emotionally, mentally, and physically. He was perfect for Zeus's sake!
You shake off your thoughts before addressing him again, "Babe, what the hell are you doing?" You ask with a slight chuckle.
He smiles softly, causing your heart to basically melt at the absolute adorableness, "I'm going to take a shower."
You quirk a brow, "But... I'm in here?"
"Yes. And?"
"Babe," you chuckle once more. "I'm already showering. You can wait for another five minutes."
"Or we could shower together," he deadpans.
You blink, taking a moment to process what he had just said. As soon as it sets in you blush heavily, "I-I mean- w-we could but-"
"..." Your eyes trail up and down his body again before you shake your head, going back to hide behind the curtain. "But nothing. Get in here, big boy."
Chan pulls the curtain to the side slightly, stepping in before closing it once more. You make sure that you aren't facing him, instead looking at the showerhead intently.
Chan was slightly confused as to why you were suddenly so awkward but brushed it off nonetheless.
You put an unnecessary amount of conditioner into your palm, rubbing your hands together before running it through your hair. Chan steps forward, wetting his hair. However, his stepping forward causes you to be pushed up against the wall, turning around to face him directly.
You bite your lip as you see the water washing down your boyfriend's body, the liquid finding its way naturally in between the cracks and crevices of your boyfriend's defined muscles.
You cough awkwardly, causing your much taller boyfriend to look down at you. He raises an eyebrow, leaning on his arm as he towers over you, "Are you alright?"
You gulp and nod, smiling softly, "Y-Yeah, just tired..."
Chan nods, going to wet his hair once more before putting shampoo in it. You rinse out your conditioner, reaching out for the rag to wash your body. Chan stops you by grabbing your arm, "Let me wash you."
You stop dead in your tracks, looking up at him before hesitantly nodding. Now, I feel as if I should clarify: the two of you ARE dating and you HAVE had sex before. Despite your actions, Chan in no way makes you feel uncomfortable. In fact, he makes you feel a lot more comfortable than a lot of people ever had. You love him. You were only acting so awkward because you were nervous that your body might react in an unwanted way if he were to wash you. Hell, you were scared that you might pop a boner just from showering with him. But that, thankfully, didn't happen.
The two of you have never showered together before and have never really talked about it before. It was just really unexpected for him to pop out of nowhere and say that he wants to shower with you. Especially since you were already feeling horny but were just too lazy to do anything about it. You were just going to sleep it off but here we are.
Chan grabs the rag and puts some body wash on it, rubbing the cloth together with itself to form soap suds. You turn around and present your back to him, his hand gently pressing the rag to your skin and washing it.
You almost melted then and there.
It felt more like he was giving you a massage than washing your back. He gently holds your shoulder with one hand, the other rubbing soft circles into your skin with the rag. He reaches your sides and gently rubs the cloth up and down before going to the front and washing your chest from behind your back. You bite your lip as his other hand begins to wander, rubbing your sides gently as he places a soft kiss on your neck.
Your eyes widen as you realize what he was planning. That sneaky bastard. He probably wanted this the entire time but just didn't want to say anything. Strange, considering how direct he typically was about pretty much anything. Maybe it was a surprise? Doubtful. Be probably noticed you checking him out or something.
His right hand, the hand that wasn't washing your chest, snakes to your hip before trailing to your front. He stops right before he touches your partially hard cock, "Do you want to continue?"
You nod, "Yes, please-"
He grips your cock, beginning to jerk you off as he tosses the washrag onto the shower floor, the soaked cloth landing with a 'splat'.
You let out a soft moan, leaning against your boyfriend's chest as he continues to jerk you off with his non-dominant hand. His left-hand reaches up to play with your nipples, his mouth leaving light hickeys along your neck and shoulders.
He nibbles gently on your shoulder, causing you to tilt your head to the side. His hand picks up speed and you bite your lip in pleasure, back arching slightly against his muscled chest.
Chan uses his left hand to begin to stroke your cock instead, using the right to tilt your chin towards him so he can kiss you. You moan into the kiss, pulling his tongue into your mouth to suck on it like a lollipop. Or like something else a little less PG.
0You hum into the kiss, reaching behind you and over your shoulder to lightly hold the back of his head. Chan pulls away from the kiss to take a deep breath before going back in, pressing his hard-on against your backside.
You whine as you feel your orgasm coming closer, your cock twitching as you cum into his hand. Chan gives a few more extra strokes to help you ride it out before rinsing off his hand and turning you around to face him.
He kisses you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You drop to your knees, looking up at him innocently as you tilt your head to the side. Your grip the base of his cock, licking slowly from where your hand ends to the tip. Chan grunts and grips your hair.
This was going to be a long shower.

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