My doctor boyfriend - Spencer Reid

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¡Fluff!Spencer is injured in one case and arrives at the hospital where you work.

¡Fluff!Spencer is injured in one case and arrives at the hospital where you work

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"Reid! Watch out!" Derek shouts, but it was already too late. Spencer felt his whole body sting with pain. Spencer was caught in the middle of open fire from the unsubs.
Spencer's limp body falls onto the hard cold ground laying in his own blood as the gun wounds flush open blood rushing out of his stomach and legs. The team begins to open fire at the unsub while other agents rush to Spencer's body.
Once the unsub was taken down almost all the team members crowd Spencer's body. The only thing Spencer could hear was muffled shouting and screaming. Even though Spencer's vision was blurry he could make out his co-workers' worried faces.
Spencer opens his mouth to speak, but shuts it as his head turns to the side passing out.
Paramedics begin to treat Spencer's wounds protecting him from any infections. The ambulance pulled up to the scene as fast as they could, picking up Spencer and putting him inside.
The team could only stand back and watch as they saw their dear friend get pulled up into the ambulance.
Y/n was talking to his fellow doctors enjoying his break until nurses screamed and shouted about needing all surgeons on deck. Many doctors rush out of the room already expecting the worst alongside Y/n. Many surgeons go into the operating room waiting for the patient to arrive. Y/n felt his blood run cold as he watches his boyfriend get brought to the table.
"Shit Y/n. I didn't know that your boyfriend was gonna be here. I can take your place if you want." One co-worker says as realization hits everyone remembering that it's Y/n's boyfriend.
"Yeah Y/n. You can sit this one out." An older experienced doctor offers putting on his gloves about to get to work. "No...I got this." "Alright Y/n, but don't let your emotions get in the way." A female worker points out before starting the surgery.
Finally after the seven hour surgery is done Spencer is brought into his hospital room where all the team is already there.
"Is he okay!?! What's going to happen to him!"
Penelope asks with a shout already beginning to think for the worse.
"He's fine for now. The surgery really did save him.
Few of his bones are broken, from now he would have problems most likely walking and he would have this scar on his stomach forever. He has to wait a few more months to see if he is checked for going back to work." A nurse says giving the team a run down before leaving the room.
As the team crowd Spencer talking to him even though Spencer is still sY/nping.
Hotch notices doctors and nurses whispering to themselves looking directly into the room causing suspicion to rise. Derek notices it as well and walks up to one of the doctors directly. "Okay what the hell is going on. And hell are you whispering about."
"It's nothing sir. Really. Were just worried about Y/n
Poor guy. One of my biggest fears is operating on my significant other." A doctor answers shortly before walking off with the others.
"Who's Y/n?" Emily asks after eavesdropping in the conversation.
"No one.." A dry voice calls out from the room catching everyone's attention. "Spencer!" "Pretty boy!" "Reid." Everyone says surrounding Spencer before asking him a butch of questions. Reid tries to answer them to the best of his abilities, but overall fails from the massive pain he's feeling. Emily is quick to hear Spencer wince in pain so she presses the button for the nurses help.
Soon after the nurse arrived with a worried expression. "He's feeling pain every time he speaks. Is there something he can take for it?" Emily asks watching the nurse think.
"Yes. But I will have to get a doctor first. I'll get
Doctor L/n it will surely help Reid feel better." The nurse responds back leaving the room before any of the team could ask her questions.
"Spencer. Do you know any Y/n?" Hotch asks looking at Spencer. Reid could only ignore the question as he stares at the door waiting for the unknown man called Y/n.
"Spencer! Thank god you're awake!" An unknown voice calls out rushing into the room and quick to the man's side. "Are you okay?!? What happened! I told you to be careful today remember!" The doctor takes Reid's hands giving them a light squeeze.
"I thought I lost you. You scared me so much asshole."Y/n scolds feeling the teams confused eyes all on him and his boyfriend.
"Don't you dare do something like this again! I can't bare seeing you so close to death again Spence.
Don't forget that I promised to marry you one day, so I need you to stay alive until I do so." Y/n says watching tears fall softly out of Spencer. "I love you alright? I'm glad that you're alright." Y/n says lastly before giving Spencer a huge hug.

"Thats doctor Y/n L/n. They have been dating for a couple years now." The nurse says to the team trying to clear up their confusion.
The nurse pulls Y/n away from Spencer with a few giggles escaping her lips before showing Spencer the medicine to Spencer and the team and giving them a run down about it and how much should he take.
Even though shes the nurse she takes the role of the doctor as Y/n cuddle Spencer in his arms.
After shes done she leaves the room going to her next patient room.
get to take care of you for months~ I'm going to treat you like a pretty princess." Y/n says with a wink taking note at the slight chuckle and blush on
Spencer's face.
Y/n turns his head around to the team once he hears someone clear their throat. "Oh right sorry. I'm Doctor Y/n L/n. But you can just call me Y/n." Y/n says putting his hand out to Aaron.
"Nice to meet you Doctor Y/n. I'm special agent Aaron Hotchner." Hotch says taking and shaking Y/n's hand in a tight grip.
"Nice to meet you as well." Y/n says with a smile.

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