Bad boy - Spencer Reid

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¡Smut!You got into trouble with Spencer and now you have to be punished.

¡Smut!You got into trouble with Spencer and now you have to be punished

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You were in trouble.
The minute you saw the look on Spencer's face, you knew you were fucked.
You would like to say it wasn't entirely your fault, but that would be a lie. All you wanted was some attention, but Spencer was busy, and he didn't like to be interrupted when he was working, you knew that. But it didn't deter you from trying to get what you wanted.
He had been in his office for the better part of the day, doing god knows what while you were left to fend for yourself. Maybe it was a little dramatic, but you were needy and didn't like not being the center of his attention. Maybe it was attachment issues or maybe it was simply Spencer.
Ever since you started dating a year and a half ago, he had been the only constant in your life. He was around most of the time, no longer busy with the BAU since he was teaching full time now, so you got to see him more often than not. You basically lived at his apartment, having your clothes in his closet, toiletries in his bathroom, and favorite tea in his kitchen cabinet.
Most of your relationships ended in your partner leaving you, so it wasn't much of a stretch to say it left you with some attachment issues. And maybe that affected how you acted toward Spencer, but you would keep that to yourself.
So that takes you here, sat on the armchair in his office, pouting while he ignored you, instead focusing on his work that was seemingly more important than his boyfriend.
"Spencer." You sang his name, hoping that would be enough to gain his attention.
It wasn't.
You huffed, standing up from the comfortable chair before trotting over to him. You stood beside his desk, deciding to mess with the small trinkets he had since he was so keen on ignoring you.
"Stop it."
Your head snapped up, hand pausing midair with one of the toy cars he had laid out. He wasn't even looking at you, something that annoyed you further. So instead of listening to him like you definitely should've, you put the car down and picked up another one, inspecting the object like you'd never seen it before.
"Stop, now." He repeated the command, stern and harsher this time.
When you refused to listen yet again, he reached over and snatched the toy from your hands, setting it back down on the desk before sitting back in his chair.
You huffed again, crossing your arms over your chest petulantly.
"When will you be done?" You asked, toeing at the ground innocently.
"In a bit." Was his answer, still not bothering to even look at you when he spoke.
You nodded to yourself, turning the swivel chair toward you with your foot before crawling onto his lap. He looked startled, having to lean back to make room for you. There was a hint of annoyance on his features that you chose to ignore, making yourself comfortable with a sigh. His hands automatically went to your hips, holding you steady despite being annoyed with your actions.
"What are you doing?" He asked, growing frustrated with your disobedient streak. You were normally understanding when he was busy, he didn't know what was up with you today.
"Nothing." You shrugged innocently, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck, refusing to meet his eyes, which you knew he disliked.
"You're being a bad boy right now." He chastised, fingertips digging into your hips in warning.
Your bottom lip jutted out into a pout, eyes meeting his sadly.
"No I'm not, I'm a good boy." You stubbornly argued.
"No, you're not. Good boys let their daddy's work and listen when he tells them to do something. You're being very bad right now." He said.
"You're being mean." You shot back, removing your hands from his hair to cross your arms over your chest like before, displaying your distaste for his reprimanding.
"I'm being mean?" He raised his eyebrows like he was challenging you to say more, to disobey him even further.
"Yes." You stuck to your word, hoping that your disobedience would make him punish you. At least then he'd give you attention, even if it wasn't entirely positive.
"Fine. I'll show you mean."

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