Sing to me - Newt

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¡Smut!Newt can't wait to get home to have sex and your reaction is a little noisy.

"You're so in for it when we get home," You felt his body freeze, tensing at the words Newt

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"You're so in for it when we get home," You felt his body freeze, tensing at the words Newt. whispered in his ear, his eyes opened wide and his face turned bright red.
"Let's again some time," You completely ignored what the guy in front of him told him, looking and down and deciding it would be better if he just followed silently behind Newt. , heading home in total silence.
You dragged his feet on the pavement, walking slower than usual, feeling a little scared -and turned on- about what Newt.  wanted to, and was going to do to him when they get home, he almost didn't want to get there but at the same time, he wanted to be there already.

And here he was now, both of his arms were covering his blushing face and glossy eyes, crying and whimpering loud enough for Newt.  to hear him, mixing with the sound of their skin slapping together.
Newt.  was staring at the way your body jolted with each deep thrust inside him, his hand caressing and pressing on the visible bulge on his lower abdomen, paying close attention to the muffle sounds he was able to hear. He knew you felt embarrassed about his lewd, high-pitched moans and whines, but he wanted to hear him louder. He wanted him to moan his name loud enough to let everyone know who You belonged to.
So, getting a little annoyed with the fact that Your arms covered most of his moans, Newt.  reached his hands up and pried the male's arms away from his face, pinning them down on either side of his head, however, You just closed his eyes and looked away, something that made Newt.  leaned down and press kisses on his exposed neck, slowly going up to his cheek before whispering in his ear.
"Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby," letting out a loud gasp at the particular hard thrust inside him, Your eyes went wide open, wriggling his wrists away from Newt. 's loose grip, wrapping his arms around his neck, his slim legs around his hips, holding him closer to his body, gasping for air and whimpering at the deep, hard thrusts inside him.
"Enough, please, I can't take anymore!" Moving his hair away from his face, Newt. placed a kiss on his lips, pressing their foreheads together.
"I know you can take it, love, you can take so much more than this," he muttered against his lips, maintaining eye contact, "Show me how good you can take my cock."

Completely exhausted, You lays in bed, trembling from the aftermath his body just went through. He was cleaned up by Newt. , who put some of his clothes on his body, changed the bedsheets, and lay him down on the mattress, covering his body and getting in next to him.
You let Newt.  hold him close, playing with his hair and humming a song before mumbling the lyrics in a low, quiet, and soothing voice. He groaned, nuzzling his face on Newt. 's chest feeling it vibrate with his voice before it suddenly stopped. Without looking up, You wrapped his arm around Newt.  and got on top of him, feeling comforted at the gentle hold around his waist.
"Sing to me again," after thinking that You groaned because he wanted him to shut up, Newt.  felt a little alleviated when he muttered those words with a groggy, and he continued singing songs that he knew would put You to sleep in a few seconds

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