Marbolo nights- Matthew Gray Gubler

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¡Smut!You and Matthew share the same taste but they are both picky.

"Oh fuck!" You cried out, collapsing down onto Matthew's sweaty chest

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"Oh fuck!" You cried out, collapsing down onto Matthew's sweaty chest.
"Oh... Oh, baby." He panted breathlessly, his eyes closed and his chest heaving. He reached down to gently pet your head, still trying to come down from his high.
Your legs were shaking and so, so sore, which always happened whenever Matthew wanted you to ride him. He hadn't even pulled out, causing you to shake and clench around him. He hissed at the feeling, he was sensitive after just having come once before. He went to try and pull himself out when you swatted his hands away.
"No.. just a little longer." You whispered through a post-orgasm daze. He pecked your cheek and smiled.

"Ok, prince." He cooed quietly, slowly reaching to grab the pack of marlboros off of the bedside table. He plucked one from the pack and brought it to his lips, cupping his hands on either side as he brought the lighter up and lit it.
He exhaled the smoke through a deep, exhausted, sigh.
"Did you buy the camels, too?" Your soft voice spoke up, your words slightly muffled from your mouth being pressed into his chest. He wordlessly reached to the nightstand again and handed the blue pack to you. "Thank you, baby." You braced your hands on his shoulders, kissing his chest once more before sitting up instead of laying on top of him.
You sat silently and lit your cigarette, just watching your gorgeous boyfriend. It was something about the smoke and the cigarette that made you all hot inside. It just made him look so sexy and rugged.
"What're you all squirmy for, baby?" The man in question spoke up, breaking you from your silent ogling.
"Nothing.." You whispered, embarrassed that you'd been caught staring. Although you shouldn't have been, considering the man you were shamelessly fawning over happened to be your boyfriend. But in your fuzzy, post-sex state, you couldn't help but feel a bit shy and reserved.
"Come here." He patted his chest, urging you to lay down on him. So you did as he said, resting on his chest while also making sure not to tap-off on his skin as you took another puff of your cigarette. "I love you so much, prince. You know that, right?" He whispered delicately.
You moved your head so your chin was resting on his chest, looking up to him with doe eyes and a little grin.
"I know, and I love you too." You whispered back, keeping your voice just as low as his was, as to not break the comfortable atmosphere you'd created.
"Good." He smiled, dropping his cigarette butt into the ashtray before leaning toward you, his hand cupping your chin as he connected his lips with yours. They were always so soft, and he tasted like tobacco and.. you. The thought caused a blush to rise to your cheeks, kissing him harder and slipping your tongue into his mouth. "Mhm.. if you don't stop now, we are going to have round two and I'm too tired for that." He chided playfully, pulling his face away from yours.
You giggled shyly, biting down on your bottom lip, looking up at him.
"How about I go make us sandwiches and you turn a show on?" He offered, squeezing your sides, making you squeal in surprise.
"That sounds wonderful." You replied.
He carefully moved you off of him and slid out of the bed, leaning down to give you another kiss. He pulled his boxers and a tee shirt on, turning to you when he heard your saddened sigh.
"What's wrong, darling?" He asked.
"I don't like it when you have clothes on. You look better walking around with nothing at all." You cheekily hummed. He shook his head with a chuckle, standing up from the bed once again.
"Naughty boy." He chided, smacking your bottom rather harshly. You squeaked and jumped, turning to him with wide eyes.
"You're such a jerk!" You couldn't hold in your laugh long enough to finish the sentence, burying your head into one of the pillows as he ran out of the room.
When he walked back in ten minutes later with two sandwiches in hand and two glasses of water, you were dressed in one of his tee shirts watching the tv.
"What're we watching?" He asked, sitting down beside you.
"Shameless" You replied, your eyes stuck on the television where Mikey and Ian are getting married
"Ok." He said, putting one of the plates onto your lap and pecking your temple.
You spent the rest of the night watching tv and cuddling, which was the best way to spend a Friday night in your opinion.

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