Vampire biting - Spencer Reid

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¡Smut!Vampire Spencer! Sexy biting, with a side of science.

"How do you want me?" you ask flippantly, and you pull your hair back, baring your throat

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"How do you want me?" you ask flippantly, and you pull your hair back, baring your throat.
Spencer laughs. "Contrary to popular belief, the neck is not the best place to bite. Lots of muscle, lots of pressure on that artery... it'd get messy, if I bit down deep. And I want to do this right."
Trust him to make an anatomy lesson out of a cheesy line.
You've heard the warnings all your life, stories that run the gamut from horror to tantalizing fantasy: people addicted to the high that comes with being bitten, vampires accidentally draining a partner dry... but you've also heard about the intimacy of it, the bond it creates in a human-vamp couple.
Spencer had explained it in scientific terms, of course: oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, a whole cocktail of chemicals, and the way vampire venom evolved to give them the greatest possible advantage over their prey.
"Where, then?" you ask.
He hesitates, and his voice goes soft, slow, wildly different from his usual sort of lecture: "The best places are where there's a lot of smaller blood vessels closer to the surface. Even aside from the efficiency, those places tend to be... sensitive. In a good way. Hands and wrists, for starters."
Spencer curls spidery fingers around your forearm and lifts it to his mouth. He presses a delicate kiss to the inside of your wrist, where blue veins show under thin skin.
Then he lets your hand fall, and he slides closer, tracing the shell of your ear with the pad of his thumb before leaning in to whisper, "Or here."
His tongue flicks out over the lobe, gentle and teasing, and you shiver.
He starts to kiss his way down the side of your neck, and your skin tingles wherever his mouth touches. Then he dips his head lower, to the soft upper curve of your breast as he tugs your tank top down. You shiver.
"Do it," you say, and it comes out more like a plea than a demand.
His smile bares his fangs, and part of you is painfully aware that he's a predator. You should be trembling with fear, but instead it's arousal making you shudder as he sucks lightly on the patch of skin just over your heartbeat.
Then again... how could you be afraid? Apex predator or not, doesn't change the fact that it's Spencer.
His razor-sharp teeth graze your skin, and you can feel the tingle again, the venom working its way into your bloodstream.
It's the best painkiller nature ever made. When he bites you, the pain is just a brief dull throb. Spencer kisses the twin punctures, tongue fluttering over the shallow crescent-shaped wounds, and the sting is followed by a delicious glow of pleasure that makes you want to arch up against his mouth.
"I almost forgot what this can be like, with the right person," he murmurs against your skin. "You taste..." He pauses like he can't find the words, and lets out a low moan instead.
Then he fits his lips around one of the cuts and sucks, and your entire body pulses with the pressure of his mouth. All at once you're so turned on you can barely breathe, like you could come at the first light touch, your entire body keyed-up and tense with need. Your head spins with the sudden high, the rush of chemicals — your system is flooded with the urge to just give in, to let Spencer have you any way he wants, to let him drink his fill...
You're starting to understand why people warn you about this.

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