Perfect - Spencer Reid

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¡Smut! Another teenage Spencer!
As I said before, forget that Spencer finished high school at twelve.
Spencer wakes up before you and thinks you're perfect.

Spencer wakes up before you and thinks you're perfect

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How can one person just be so fucking perfect.
Spence laid on his side, staring at you as he drifted away. His eyes traced the outline of his face, moving onto his eyes, his lashes slightly fluttering. His perfect little button nose, and supple rose tinted lips.
His pale, but warm coloured skin. His chest slightly inflating as he took small, soft breaths. His narrow torso. Those round hips. His leg draping over the other while one palm was cupping his cheek, and the other resting on the pillow.
G o d.
F u c k i n g.
D a m n.
And that was all his.
How the fuck could the most perfect human being choose him?
Spence slightly moved closer. Wrapping his arm around the small boy. His slender hand on your back, lightly tracing circles on his shoulders.
His soft freckled shoulders.
You let out a slight hum.
His eyes flutter open, the first thing he sees being his handsome boyfriend.
What a lovely way to start the day.
"Good morning baby" Spence whispers as he gives you  a slight peck on the nose, causing you to let out a quiet groan.
"Sorry I woke you up"
A smile appears upon the smaller boy's face as he lets out a short chuckle.
"It's all right. I love hearing your raspy voice in the morning. Its hot."
"Well seeing you all cute and sleepy is my favorite part of the morning."
Their lips connect. A slow, passionate kiss to start off the morning.
"We gotta get up baby"
"Is cuddling more an option?"
"Well I guess missing the first period wouldn't be the worst thing in the world."
"I doubt I would even be able to walk to school anyways." You giggle .
"I did quite a number on you last night didn't I?"
"Oh stop." You turn to face the other way.
Spence takes the opportunity and wraps himself around his baby boy.
"I could never be the little spoon."
"I wouldn't let you either way"

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