Starry nights - Matthew Gray Gubler

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¡Fluff!Conversations at sunset with Matthew.

The moon was full and bright, casting a gentle glow on your skin

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The moon was full and bright, casting a gentle glow on your skin. The stars were spotted around the black sky, a chill wind blowing through your shirt. You tapped the ash off your cigarette, bringing it to your lips to take a puff.
"What's your favorite color?" Matthew spoke, breaking the pleasant silence. You turned your head, blowing the smoke out of your mouth and chuckling.
"It changes a lot.. but I'd say green." You maintained a low tone, trying to keep the light and airy mood. Matthew gave a simple nod in response, folding an arm under his head and resting on it. He took a puff of his cigarette before speaking.
"Mines purple." He said even though he and you both knew that already. "I like lavender the most. I can imagine it being warm and calm if it were a person." He shared, turning to you with a smile. You shook your head with a chuckle, scooting your body closer to his.
"I think he'd be a he and.. he would be the man living down the street that gave out the best candy on Halloween. He'd bake cookies whenever a new person moved in." You shared your input, Matthew nodding solemnly in response.
"Definitely... He would call everyone honey or darling, and everybody would love him." He added quietly.
A silence fell between the two of you. It was brief. Matthew had always been a big talker, so any silence from him never lasted long. You didn't mind, you liked listening to him talk, no matter the subject or relevance of what he was saying. That's exactly why his next inquiry wasn't at all shocking. He tended to get deeper on nights like these, where you just laid in the grass looking at the stars for hours.
"What would your dream life be like?" He asked.
You thought about it for a moment, already knowing what the outline would consist of. There were layers to it and it wasn't all realistic, but it was a dream, and dreams could be as crazy and unrealistic as you wanted them to be.
"I would want to work at a bookstore, somewhere in Europe, preferably France but I'm not picky." He chuckled at that. "It wouldn't be a popular store either, we would get maybe two customers a day and we'd all be on a first name basis. We would live in a small town where every house is at least a mile or two apart. We would have a cottage on the edge of a cliff where we could sit on the porch in the morning and smoke while the kids played in the front yard." You sight happily at the image in your mind, taking another puff of your cigarette.
"How many kids would you want?" He spoke, prompting you to continue.
"At least two but at most four, maybe five depending on how I'm feeling." You joked at the last bit, earning a chuckle from Matthew. "But yeah, I'd like to have a boy as the oldest then two girls and maybe one more boy. We could have two dogs and at least one cat, a black one that we could name something witchy like Claudia or Maxine." You paused and looked over to him, discarding your finished cigarette onto the ground. You cuddled into his chest and sighed.
"We could grow old there, raise our kids there and live all by ourselves when we're eighty and decaying." You joked, tracing shapes on his chest. "Would you like that," you moved your head up so you could see him, "to grow old with me in a big cottage on a cliff in France?" You proposed it playfully, but there was little to no joke in your actual question.
He looked down at you, his smile so wide it must've hurt his cheeks.
"I'd love nothing more than to decay with you in a cottage on a cliff in France." He teased, nudging his chin toward you so he could graze his lips with yours. "But only if we can name one of the dogs Rusty, and he has to be a labradoodle." He sounded so childlike, so full of hope and wonder for the future. It made your heart melt.
You couldn't contain your own grin as you swung your leg over his lap so you could straddle him. He placed his hands comfortably on your hips, pulling you as close to him as possible. You rested your forearms on the grass beside his head, nuzzling your nose with his, giving him an Eskimo kiss. He giggled boyishly and pulled you closer, placing wet kisses all over your face.
"Stop that!" You cried, playfully slapping his chest as you giggled uncontrollably.
"Never." He breathed out against your lips, kissing you so gently it felt like he was never really there. "I can't wait to grow old with you." He said.
"Neither can I." You smiled.

Twenty years later, you could still remember that night as clearly as day. You turned your head to watch your husband running around the yard with Jackson, Emily, Micheal, Eden, and Elliot. Rusty chasing them around as Matthew tackled Jackson, your oldest, onto the ground.
You sat on the porch swing, stroking Maxine's black fur while he purred. You took a sip of coffee, shaking your head as you watched your family have fun.
"Avenge me!" Jackson cried dramatically, crying out a loud laugh as Matthew tickled him. Micheal and Elliot jumped onto his back, laughing and shouting as Emily rolled her eyes from beside you, flipping through his book quietly.
"Dad! I found a bird!" Eden shouted, running over to you with sticks in his messy mane. Your eyes widened and you mentally prepared yourself for what you were about to see. He clambered up the wooden stairs, falling onto his knees in front of you with his hands cupped. He opened them to reveal a small bird with its wings flapping, one of them seeming to be damaged.
"Oh no, does it hurt?" Emily gasped, tossing him copy of the catcher in the rye onto the table and falling to the floor much more gracefully than Eden had. He had always taken a liking toward animals and he was big on nature.
"I think so!" Eden nearly yelled, catching the attention of the boys. Soon enough, they were all racing over to see what all the commotion was about.
"What's going on over here?" Your husband asked, sitting on the arm of your chair. You shook your head, letting him know it wasn't a big deal.
"Eden found a hurt bird!" Emily said, causing Micheal and Elliot to gasp while Jackson just shared a look with you. He was the oldest, and he knew all of the shenanigans the others could get into.
"That thing probably has rabbis or something." Jackson said, the other boys making noises of disgust while Eden glared at them.
"How about we go inside and call the vet, see if they can help?" Matthew intervened before Eden could pick a fight with Micheal, which happened more often than not, them being twins. "Let's go, mes enfants!" He yelled, running into the house. The kids all followed behind him in a fit of laughs and yells.
You stayed back, watching as the lee began to disappear behind the cliff edge, bringing your coffee to your lips to take a short sip. You set it down on the glass coffee table, pulling your carton from the pocket of your cardigan and lighting one of the cigarettes. As you exhaled your first puff, you couldn't help but thank whatever gods above that you ended up here.
This is where you were always meant to be

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