Drunk in love - Spencer Reid

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¡Fluff!Spencer drinks too much and starts saying silly things and embarrassing things about you two.

"There he is!" The drunken shout came from your boyfriend who was currently leaned up against the counter, a very amused looking Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss stood beside him

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"There he is!" The drunken shout came from your boyfriend who was currently leaned up against the counter, a very amused looking Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss stood beside him.
You had only been in the bathroom for five minutes, but the look on Spencer's face made it seem like you'd been gone for years.
"Hey, Spence-" Your greeting was cut off by a pair of wet, sloppy lips smearing against yours. A squeak left you as you pulled back, your cheeks heating up at Derek's wolf whistle. "Spencer!" You chastised, never being one for PDA. He always got particularly.. touchy when he was drunk — which wasn't often — so it always surprised you a bit.
Not that you didn't like it, you actually kind of loved him being so openly affectionate with you.
"M'sorry, just wanted to kiss you." He giggled shyly, his hands moving to hold onto your hips, gently tugging you closer to him.
"Pretty boy hasn't shut up about you since you left." Derek piped up causing a blush to rise to Spencer's cheeks.
"If you were dating his, you would never shut up about his either." Spencer stated matter-of-factly. "He's just.. so so amazing, can't believe he agreed to let me date his." He sighed dreamily.
"You're so drunk right now." Emily snorted, taking a sip of his drink.
"Am not! I don't.. drugs are bad." He insisted, a frown curving at his green lips.
"Oh yeah." Emily played along, a faux serious look morphing onto his face.
"Come on, let's get you home." You said, trying to turn away but Spencer's grip was tight on your hips, keeping you still.
"Why?" He drew out the word in a whine, pouting petulantly.
"Because you're drunk." You said.
"Does that mean we're going to have sex?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Spencer Walter Reid!" You gasped, gently smacking his shoulder.
"What?" He looked down to his shoulder, an offended look on his face. "Normally when we leave early, it's to have sex, so are we going to have sex?" He asked again, seemingly oblivious to the fact that his two close friends were laughing at his drunken words a few feet away.
"Spencer, you're drunk." Was all you said, feeling like your face was on fire.
"Are you going to let me call you b-"
"No!" You shouted, clamping a hand over his mouth, eyes wide in embarrassment as you looked over to Emily and Derek, glad to see they had no idea where his sentence was leading.
Thank fuck.
A squeal left your lips when Spencer's tongue darted out, slobbering over the palm of your hand. You pulled it back, shooting him a glare while you wiped it off on your jacket.
"Sorry." He shrugged, a cheeky grin on his face.
He slumped over onto you, throwing his arms around your waist and nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, nosing at your skin with a content hum.
Drunk Spencer had his pro's and con's, but you couldn't deny how much you liked him getting extra affectionate when he drank.
"Let's get you home, love." You whispered, weaving your hand through his hair to gently pull him off of you. He let out a whine, trying to pull you back to him but you resisted his efforts. He wasn't very coordinated when he drank, so it was easy to move him around. "Goodbye guys, we'll see you Monday." You waved goodbye to everyone, tugging Spencer along with you as you exited the noisy bar.
"Can't wait to get home and make you feel good. Promise i'll be good tonight, make you come so many-"
"Spencer." You hissed, flashing an apologetic smile to the group of people who heard him talking as you walked by.
"I'll be a good for you, all you have to do it say yes." He sang out the last syllable, nudging his shoulder into yours.
You decided it would be better if you just didn't respond at all, but it seemed he took your silence as an invitation to spew out more dirty things in hopes you would agree.
"I'll eat you out too! Finger you if you want, make you feel so good, I swear. I can even do that thing with my tongue where I-" His words came to a halt when you abruptly turned around, a stern look on your face that told him to be quiet.
He let out a huff, keeping his mouth shut as you dragged him to the car. You'd only had one drink a few hours ago, so you were fine to drive. Getting Spencer into the car wasn't too difficult, he clambered into the passengers seat, wiggling his bottom at you with a giggle before sitting down and letting you strap him in.
You got into the drivers seat, putting your seatbelt on and starting up the car while Spencer played with the radio.
You were startled by Harry Styles', Adore You, blaring through the speakers, nearly jumping out of your skin at the loud volume of the music. To your shock, Spencer was yelling along to the lyrics as soon as he heard the song, jumping in his seat like a madman.
"I'd walk through fire for you! Just let me adore you!" He sung loudly in a squeaky, off-key voice. "Oh honey! I'd walk through fire for youu! Just let me adore youu! Like it's the only thing I'll ever do!" He continued to sing along to the song.
He bobbed his head to the beat, doing an adorable air guitar while trying to do air drums at the same time. You didn't even know Spencer listened to mainstream music, so this was a shock to you.
He was in the middle of trying to count every tree you passed by when another song played on the radio, one that had him letting out a loud gasp that startled you into turning to him in concern.
"What's wrong?" You asked, quickly looking back to the road after making sure he wasn't outwardly harmed.
"I love this song!" He cheered. "Midnight, you come and pick me up, no headlights!" He sang, still off-key but it was endearing nonetheless. "Long drive, could end in burning flames or paradise!" He shouted, singing his heart out.
"That was wonderful, Spence." You let out with a small chuckle after the song had finished.
"Thank you. Did you know that they actually dated for awhile?" He piped up.
"Who?" You asked confusedly.
"Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. A lot of people think she wrote that song about him because it's called Style and his name is Harry Styles... it makes sense, doesn't it?" He said, looking extremely interested in this celebrity drama you knew nothing about.
"Yeah it does." You responded, turning into the driveway. You were ready to get him cleaned up and in bed as soon as possible. You were exhausted.
"We're home!" He cheered, throwing the door open and jumping out of the car. You quickly followed after him, catching up to see he was crouched down on the driveway, poking at a worm. "Hey, this is my new friend, his name is Jimmy. Jimmy, say hi to y/n, He's my boyfriend." He turned over his shoulder to look at you, a dopy grin on his face.
"Hello, Jimmy, it's very nice to meet you." You humored him, waving down at the worm on the ground. You were pretty sure it was dead, but you didn't want to make Spencer upset. "Let's get inside, I want to go to sleep." You said, patting his shoulder.
"Ok." He said, hopping up and throwing his arm around your shoulder as you walked toward the house. "So... are we going to have sex?" He asked, looking over to you excitedly.
"Sure, Spencer." You decided to reply, smiling over to him.
You weren't actually going to do anything with him, he was way too drunk to consent. And even if you were — which you never would — he would probably pass out before you could even get his pants off.
"Yes!" He cheered, a pip in his step as he threw his fist in the air like he just won the lottery.
You shook your head endearingly at his actions, leading him into the house with a snort.
By the time you finally got him into your room after convincing him to have a glass of water and a sandwich, he looked like he was ready to pass out any second now. He was sat on the edge of the bed in only a pair of boxers, waiting for you to return with his pajamas, knuckling at his eye tiredly with a yawn
"Lift your arms for me, baby." You instructed.
He did as told, letting you slip the tee shirt over his head. Getting him to stand up next, holding onto your shoulders while you helped him step into his pants. He wasn't being very difficult, which you were thankful for. The poor thing was too tired to be his usual defiant self.
You returned from the bathroom after a few minutes, changed into one of Spencer's shirts and a pair of shorts to see that he had already tucked himself under the blankets, the comforter hiked up to his chin as he snuggled into his pillow. He looked absolutely adorable.
You crawled into the bed beside him, getting under the blankets to be met with Spencer attaching himself to your side immediately. His head was on your chest while his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him. He let out a little hum, pressing a kiss to the space between your breasts before settling back down.
"I love you." He whispered, his voice thick with exhaustion.
"I love you too, baby, go to sleep now, I'm right here." You cooed, running your hands through his hair to help lull him to sleep better.
He was snoring seconds later.

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