- White is the New Black - Mentor Chuuya AU

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"Kid? hey! Can you hear me?" The boy groaned at the tapping on his face against the wall "Jeez boy, you can't just pass out here"

"S-sorry!" The boy awoken instantly starring at the crouching man before his stomach rumbled "uh"

"Hmm... Orphan?" He gestured the clothing "You seem pale too"

"Y-yeah... My orphanaged was gonna kick me out at 18 so i left a little early. I am 15 right now"

"How about you come inside? I will make you something to eat"

"I-i can't do that!"

"Kid, I was a street kid and right now, you need it. If you are worried about repayment, We can talk it over eating" The ginger stood up, one hand stretched out and another in his pocket, "I am Chuuya, Nakahara Chuuya. 19 years old. You?"

"A-atsushi Nakajima, Chuuya-san" He took the hand with a small smile "Thank you"


".. What do you mean? My partner?"

"You heard me Akutagawa" He huffed at the stare "Tiger here is going to be your partner from now on. Doesn't mean you won't get solo mission and such. He has been trained under me for a few years now... Introduce yourself kid"

"Understod, Chuuya-san" The boy just smiled "I am Nakajima Atsushi, You can call me Atsushi. I am 18 years old and my ability allows me to change into a man eating tiger or [ Beast under the moonlight ]. I look forward to working with you, "sempai" Akutagawa"

"erm" Chuuya coughed in his hand "His involvement is a secret understood? He has done a few missions in private, earning him a title of White Reaper"

"I still say that is over reacting but Elise gave me it and can't defy that"


"Don't give that look my boy" Chuuya shook his head "It is decided.... Your partnership will be known as Shin Soukoku"

"You... No, mori is telling us to become you and Dazai-sans legacy?"

"Tch, don't call it that but yes.... I can never be free from that bastard" Atsushi just gave him a look "Don't even kid... Mori will be keeping tabs so don't be surprised"

"If you say so... Uh, Akutagawa? Chuuya-san has work so I was told you introduce me to the others"

"Why is he so.... prebby?"

"He just knows who to be kind and loyal with.. Hes an orphan like you so get along and out your emo phase"

"But I think his emo phase is cute"

"Get out of my office before I deck you"

Atsushi went snickering leaving out with the dog following, coughing lightly. His mind was swirling right now. An order not only from chuuya but a direct one from mori? This kid is not his style at all... Well, Nakahara and Dazai are opposite but work together equally.. Maybe if he does the same Dazai will praise? Should he even get to know this so called tiger?

"You don't have to like me or this idea... Neither Chuuya or me knew this would happen even though Chuuya-san has said he may do something crazy but i didn't expect this..."

"You know of Dazai-san correct?"

"Indeed. He was your mentor right?" Aku nodded "Mori filled me in on his file and such. Same with chuuya seeing he is his ex partner... From what i can tell, chuuya misses and hates him but also happy for Dazai"


"You out of everyone should understand why He is happy for dazai"

"Don't act like you know me Jinko. Come on"

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