Do Not Disturb

540 13 18

You are eight and a half months pregnant.

Scene: Sonic's Shack, day.

Sonic is sleeping in his hammock with Y/n. He talks in his sleep.

Sonic: No. Stop. You're pure evil. Why are you coloring my arms?

Saliva falls on Sonic's face. Sonic opens his eyes and is shocked to find out who is there. Y/n jumps awake after Sonic woke up all of a sudden. A widabit sniffs them. Sonic smells the widabit, and flinches in disgust.

Sonic: Ugh. You need a bath. 

Y/n: And a shower. 

Sonic: And to get the heck out of my shack! What are you anyway?

The Widabit roars at Sonic, blowing him over his hammock. Fastidious Beaver appears at Sonic's doorstep.

Fastidious beaver: Actually, it's a widabit, an extremely rare and majestic species.

Sonic: It doesn't seem so majestic to me.

The widabit drops some saliva on the ground. Fastidious discovers it.

Fastidious: Ooh! Is that slobber? That means she's chosen your shack for her nesting ritual. Now get out and don't return her until she's finished!

Fastidious pushes Sonic out of his shack.

Sonic: Whoa whoa whoa. What do you think you're doing?

Fastidious: I represent the Endangered Species Coalition. They made me chairman because they wanted to hold meetings in the library.

Sonic: Really? Working that clout, huh?

Amy appears on Sonic's porch.

Amy: Mr. and Mrs. the Hedgehog. As vice-chairman of the ESC, I need you to vacate the domicile until this creature finds its true soulmate, and completes the courtship's ritual.

Sonic facepalms, grunting in anger. Y/n sighs.

[Scene Change: Tails' House, day.]

Sonic and Y/n arrive at Tails' House. Tails opens the door. Sonic is holding a pillow.

Sonic: It's been too long since we've had a slumber party.

Tails: Huh?

Sonic throws his pillow on the couch. Sonic places himself and puts his feet on the table. Tails places a magazine under Sonic's feet.

Sonic: Ooh. Sidekick Magazine. I wonder who's number two this month.

Y/n: I'm gonna see if I can crash with Amy. 

Tails: Why exactly are you guys here?

Y/n: Yeah. Apparently an endangered species is in Sonic's shack and we were told to leave. We can't go back to my house cause I'm making our room sound proof and making a nursery out of my old storage room. Its gonna take at least a week to make my room sound proof and maybe longer to set up the nursery cuz of how many stuff I need.

Tails: Remember the baby shower. 

Y/n: Oh yeah. I'll be leaving now. [leaves]

Sonic takes the magazine from under his feet and reads it. Tails places another magazine under his feet. A montage then plays. The montage starts out with both Sonic and Tails playing a video game. Sonic celebrates his first win. 

In the next scene, they then play inside a tent. In the next scene, Sonic passes a can to Tails. Tails opens the lid and a toy spring jumps out and lands on his head. In the next scene, Sonic picks up a bottle of fizzy drink from the fridge, shakes it and puts it back in, walking away quietly. In the next scene, Tails opens the shaken bottle and the fizzy drink sprays out all over his face while Sonic watches. 

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