Shattered Crystal Pt 5

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Scene: Ancient ruins Day

Team sonic is walking through and ancient city.

Sticks: Whoa! I've seen a lot of ancient cities in my life, but this one beats them all!

Y/n:[folds her arms] How come you don't take me to see any ancient cities?

Sticks: Because you have a kid to take care of. 

Y/n: Can't I just bring her along?

Sticks: True. Next time I'll take you and Amy to see one.

Sonic: How many ancient cities have you seen?

Sticks: Twelve.

Sonic: Wow, surprisingly normal response. Which one was you favorite?

Sticks: Why do you want to know? Are you writing an unauthorized biography about me?!

Sonic: There's the Sticks I know and love!

Sticks: This place feels like the distant past slammed into the far future, all wrapped up in an incredible present. Feel free to put that in the biography you're writing.

Sonic: Since we haven't found a clue for a while, it feels more like a dead end.

Sticks: No way. I'm sure Amy left another clue. I can't think of anybody else who even comes close to her powers of smartness. 

Y/n clears her throat.

Sticks: Besides Y/n of course.

Tails: No one? Not even close?

Sticks: Nope. Everybody else seems TOTALLY STUPID next to Amy.

Tails: Really? Well I guess I'll just find another clue to prove you wrong.

Sticks: Technically, it would prove how smart Amy is since she left it.

Y/n: Amy is really smart. Tails you're also smart but not when It comes to this.

Tails:[sarcastically] That makes me feel soooo much better.

[Scene: Ancient Ruins, day.]

Tails: If I can just fix this next video log of Amy's we can figure out why she was here...

Knuckles: I'm not real big on fixing stuff. Is there anything you need me to break?

Tails: Not now. Maybe later.

Knuckles: Because that's kind of my specialty. "You want something broken right, just ask Knuckles!" That's what they say.

Tails: Literally, that's the first time I've ever heard anybody say that.

Knuckles: So... you need something broken?

Tails: Besides my concentration, you mean? No I-

Amy: [offscreen] ...the signal...source...stronger down...find a way...

Tails: Sounds like Amy was tracking a signal. I bet if I scan all open frequencies I could... bingo! There it is! The signal is coming from underground. We're practically standing on it.

Knuckles: Lucky break!

[Scene: Robot Facility.]

Y/n: Amy came through again! Finding her should be a snap!

Sonic: "A snap?" She could be anywhere! This is, like, the BIGGEST robot factory I've seen. Lyric assembling an ARMY to do his dirty work.

Sticks: "Dirty work?" You mean like doing laundry and cleaning rain gutters and slopping the hogs?

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