The Phoenix and the Crow

980 47 13

part seven

Y/N tripped on the silk skirt of her dress causing her to groan and pull it up to her calves. "How long do we have to be in these?"

Inej sighed and fixed the large collar of her costume, "Till the end of the night I assume. At least you look beautiful."

"Look who's talking," Y/N said with a kind smile on her lips. She did have to admit the dress fit her perfectly, large strips of purple silk and chiffon overlapped each other and swayed with each step. The top of her dress was completely silk, hugging her stomach up to her shoulders with a deep neckline that stopped at her midsection. It was by far the most revealing outfit she's ever worn, given the fact that she typically wore clothes fit for physical combat and training.

Jesper and Wylan stood around a table with their costumes in hand. "Hey," Jesper smiled at the two girls.

"These smell like they haven't been washed since last year," Inej complained. Jesper only shrugged in response. He handed Y/N a black cape and mask with silver embroidery and details, she thanked him and threw it over her shoulders.

Kaz walked toward the group and saw the wooden crates on the table. He lifted the lid and let out a breath through his nose, "It'll mimic it in every way?" Wylan hummed in confirmation. "Good," He turned to Jesper who stood beside him, his expression never relaxing.

"You're gonna say you can't do this without me, yeah?" Jesper's voice was expectant as he spoke. "And that you hate it when we're angry at each other, but sometimes brothers fight." He moved his hand in gesture between the two of them. "And when all this is over, you're gonna open a tab for me at a club of my choosing," His eyes widened in faux surprise. "'Cause when Pekka's gone, you'll take it all." He held Kaz's stare for a moment before speaking again with a smile, "That's what you were gonna say. Yes?"

"There's a cap on the tab. But otherwise, yes. To all of that." Kaz nodded his head stiffly.

"Then let's go take down the King."

Y/N smiled softly between the two, 'Found family. They really are brothers.'

"The plan is this," Kaz glanced at the inferni briefly before turning his attention away. "Jesper and Wylan, you're gonna hand out Komedie Brute costumes and vials of the compound to all of the Dregs."

"Per Haskell's gang?" Jesper asked.

"Our gang now." Kaz's lips settled into a small smirk. "By sunset, the streets will be crawling with Sankt Emerens revelers. They'll provide us with the cover we need. Hit all of Pekka's business, the clubs, the brothels. All to destroy Pekka's reputation. Inej and Y/N will cover Fifth Harbor, and when the chaos begins, they'll hand the note to Pekka's driver. Nina and I will handle the Emerald Palace." He looked at the five Crows around him. "See you there."

Jesper cleared his throat, "No mourners."

"No funerals," Everone responded.

Y/N, Inej, Wylan, and Jesper all moved to take their leave. "Why do you guys say that? Why isn't it just 'good luck' or 'be safe'?" Wylan asked.

"We like to keep our expectations low." Inej answered earning a laugh from Y/N.


Y/N grunted as she jumped onto another roof, following and trying to keep up with the Wraith in front of her. She stumbled on the uneven roofing and threw her arms out to keep her balance, "I wasn't made for this." She huffed as she made another leap to another building.

Inej turned around, "This is it." She jumped off the roof and landed on her feet with the agility of a cat.

Y/N looked down and scoffed to herself, "Yeah that's not happening." She motioned for the suli girl to give her a moment. She lowered herself down to the balcony and spun around in surprise when she heard a muffled scream from behind her. She raised her hands in surrender and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before lowering herself down to the next window, slowly making her way down to where Inej waited.

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