Chapter 6: Possible Suspects

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Saturday, February 21st at 11:35AM

Francis had given all the kids rice and bread in a paper bowl. Everyone had quickly devoured their food once Peter claimed it's fine to eat.

They're all bored now. They don't have anything to do. Cassie and Morgan has been playing pretend games but Peter can only half pay attention. He's been trying to listen to see if anyone was going to come up to their door. Harley and Ned are both sitting besides him while Flash and Abe is sitting at the other wall together.

"Are we going to be able to use the bathroom again?" Cassie asks.

"I'm sure they'll let us later" Harley assures.

"Are you Morgan and Peters brother?" Cassie wonders.

"Yes, just not biologically like Peter" Harley compares.

Cassie nods her head before going back to playing with Morgan.

"Who are those villains exactly?" Flash questions.

"I've fought two of them. Garrison Klum is a drug lord, I took him down and sent him to jail. He broke out and continued before going completely silent. His brother Francis hasn't ever sold drugs that I at least found out of. There's something off about them though. I think they have powers but I don't know what. I've also fought Bullseye, he nearly killed me. He's a maniac and shows no remorse. He's a psychopath" Peter explains.

"What about the others?" Abe wonders.

"Grant Ward and Baron Strucker used to work for Hydra. They went in Shield as undercover agents. Went into hiding right after. I've never seen or met them until earlier. I've heard about them on the news so that's why I didn't recognize them earlier" Peter claims.

"What about the one who wants revenge on my daddy?" Cassie asks.

"I don't know who William Cross is Cass" Peter shakes his head.

"I thought Whiplash was dead" Ned brings up.

"Me too" Peter exclaims.

"This is so bad. We don't even know who their leader is. I mean they have to have a leader. They all want revenge so whoever got them as their minions knew that" Harley puts together.

"Their leader must be powerful then" Ned assumes.


Saturday, February 21st at 11:47PM at the Avengers Tower in Manhattan, New York City

Tony and Scott is in his lab, trying to find the missing kids. Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Hope are all out with the police and some Shield agents on the streets and in the air. Rhodey, Happy, Pepper, Clint and Nat are at the tower in the comms.

Holograms and screens are all over the lab. Tony still hasn't told anyone about what he witnessed in fear that they'd hurt Peter more. He knows they're not joking around. They all seek revenge and that's what they're going to get. They don't care who gets hurt in the process.

"I don't even have enemies that made themselves known to me" Scott sighs.

"Maybe it's just someone who wants revenge on you for something you did" Tony hints.

"I've broken into several peoples houses" Scott claims.

"I doubt those people are after you" Tony replies.

"I know..." Scott trails off.

"We'll find them" Tony assures while Scott nods his head.


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