Chapter 29: Bed Rest Sucks

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Wednesday, April 15th at 12:11PM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

Peter was knocked out last night. Cho had also put some sleeping medicine into his iv because he kept panicking. It's already the afternoon when Peter wakes up with Mj in his room.

Everyone is on bedrest so her, Cindy, Charles, Sally and Betty just been wandering room to room. May has been in Peters room, Harleys and Neds but also upstairs with the avengers and same with Tony. Just instead of Ned, he goes to Morgan's room. All the parents and siblings have been in their child's room for most of the day already.

May and Tony are currently talking to the avengers about something when Peters eyes flickers open. The lights begin to dim, done by Fridays protocol while Mj sets her book down and looks at Peter.

"Peter?" Mj calls out but Peter doesn't respond.

He looks around until his eyes settle on Mj.

"How are you feeling?" Mj asks only for Peter to look at her confused.

"What?" Peter questions.

"How are you feeling?" Mj repeats.

Peter moves his eyes away from her and looks at the door instead.

"You're at the tower, safe in the medbay" Mj reminds him.

"I can't hear anything...what's going on? Is it the drugs?" Peter slurs.

"What do you mean you can't hear anything? Peter?" Mj questions only for Peter to not reply. "Friday, get Cho."

Peter slowly closes his eyes again but Mj is afraid of him doing so. She gently touches Peter which makes Peters eyes fly back open and mutter something.

"Oh good, he's awake. Friday said you needed me?" Cho recalls.

"He can't hear me" Mj tells her.

"Remember what I said about his ruptured ears? Hearing loss is a symptom of that" Cho reminds her.

"Yeah but it's still something to worry about. He can't hear us right now" Mj worries.

"I'll go away hopefully in a few seconds. If anything, a few minutes" Cho assures.

"Is this a bad thing? Like will he loose his hearing?" Mj questions.

"No, I don't see any signs of that at the moment. Let's hope that doesn't happen but if I do see signs, he'll need treatment and a surgery. He'll be alright for now" Cho claims.

"Ok" Mj relents.

"Since I'm in here, I mind as well do his check up" Cho states.

"No" Peter denies.

"Can you hear us Peter?" Cho asks.

"Your fault" Peter rolls his eyes.

"What's my fault?" Cho wonders but Peter doesn't say anything. "Peter?"

"Mhm?" Peter replies.

"What's my fault?" Cho repeats.

"What is your fault?" Peter questions.

"Do you know where you are?" Cho asks.

"The testing room" Peter mutters.

"No, you're at the tower. You're here in the medbay. Do you see Mj?" Cho wonders.

"Don't hurt her. She hasn't done anything" Peter claims.

"What are you thinking about?" Cho asks next.

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