Chapter 34: Home Invasion

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Thursday, April 16th at 5:32PM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

Mj, Charles, Sally, Betty and Cindy had all left due to dinner being ready so when Cho opens the door to hand out everyone's foods, nobody is surprised.

She left and came pretty quickly. Once she left, everyone started to eat except Peter. He just stares at his plastic plate that holds his food.

"Pete, you need to eat" Harley reminds him.

Peter flinches, looks up at Harley and then back down at his food again. It takes another second before he starts to eat his dinner.

Everyone devours their food as fast as they can, even Peter. Once they're done, Morgan and Cassie starts a rock, paper and scissors match.

Peter is still wary and everyone knows it. They've all taken so much care of each other that they honestly don't like when the nurses and doctors take charge but they don't fight it. They know it's the best option.

Peter holds his blanket close. He looks like he's either thinking or focused on something. Sometimes it's hard to tell which.

"Peter" Ned speaks up which snaps Peter away from whatever he's doing.

Peter doesn't say anything as he sits up more comfortably on his bed.

"Ther...." Peter whispers before shrinking away.

"What's over there?" Abe questions.

"Don' want" Peter shakes his head.

"Pete, please stop listenin' in on other peoples conversations" Harley assumes only for Peter to shake his head.

"What do you mean there?" Flash wonders.

"Don't want" Peter repeats again.

"You don't want what?" Ned asks.

"Them" Peter responds.

"Who them?" Morgan pipes up.

"Is someone coming?" Cassie assumes.

"Don' help. Don't w-want" Peter whispers.

"Nothing's happenin' Pete. We're at the tower, in the medbay. We're safe, you're safe" Harley assures.

"Com....r-tomorrow" Peter claims.

"Is someone coming tomorrow?" Flash guesses only for him to nod.

"Who?" Abe questions.

"The-therapists" Peter stutters. "Bad."

"Therapists aren't bad. They're probably coming to help" Ned assumes.

"Bad" Peter repeats making Cassie and Morgan scared.

"You remember your therapist? Dr. Mel? She was nice, you just didn't like it" Ned recalls.

Peter stays silent but everyone knows what's on his mind.

"They ain't goin' to hurt you or anyone. Therapists are supposed to be good. Do you know if it's for all of us?" Harley wonders.

"All" Peter whispers.

"Fuck, I don't want a stupid therapist" Flash complains making Abe, Harley and Ned turn to look at him. "But yeah, therapists are good and here to help."

"Will we be able to stay together?" Cassie wonders.

"No but you'll be alright. I'm sure your parents will be in the room" Harley assures.

"But daddy should stay with Petey. He's the one who never safe" Morgan protests.

"May will be with Peter, he'll be alright" Ned claims while Peter is mumbling to himself, staring at the door.

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