Chapter 24: JackPot

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Monday, April 13th at 6:50AM at Matt's apartment in Hells Kitchen, New York City

"And that's why we didn't patrol last night" Matt explains to the group.

"That makes sense" Jessica hums.

"Should we have been doing that this whole time?" Luke questions.

"No, we helped with some things when it was night. Now it's just time to switch it up" Danny reminds him with a shrug.

"Exactly. Plus, we might be able to catch something easier since it's not pitch dark outside" Matt adds.

"We just have to stay hidden from everyone else though. We still have the cops to deal with and people who work for Fisk" Frank reminds them.

"That'd be easy!" Wade brushes off.

"Ok then, let's all head to South Bronx" Matt suggests.


Monday, April 13th at 1:59PM

They always take Peter at random times. Sometimes it's earlier, sometimes it's later. They're able to tell because they get breakfast and a bathroom break.

Francis and William had just handed Peter off to Ned and Harley who are now helping him...or at least trying to.

Peter would slap their hands away and mutter something whenever their hands hover around a certain area. There doesn't seem to be blood though except for the sides of his ears that are fresh of blood.

No one ever knows what actually happens with Peter besides torture and for Ned, rape, but they don't know what exactly goes on in each session. They don't know if he gets it worse or not and can only guess on how he is when they get him back.

"You're ok dude" Ned assures.

"They're..." Peter trials off in a whisper.

"What? Is someone outside the door?" Harley wonders.

Peter doesn't respond as his eyes are staring at the crack in the wall.

"Black Widow" Peter instructs which makes Cassie and Morgan run from Flash and Abe towards Ned, Peter and Harley.

"Is he here?" Ned asks.

"No" Peter answers. "Something's out there though."

"Did they drug you?" Harley questions.

"I, there is somebody out there" Peter claims only for him to full on flinch.

"What? What is it?" Flash wonders.

"Baron dropped something" Peter explains.

"Maybe you should give your hearing a rest" Abe suggests.

"Just the drugsss" Peter drawls out as his eyes drop to his broken knee.


Monday, April 13th at 2:01PM at Hunts Point in South Bronx, New York City

"Jackpot mother fuckers! I found something!" Wade shouts over to everyone.

"What is it?" Matt asks as he and everyone else runs towards Wade only to see nothing.

"Did you seriously call us over here to show us nothing?" Francis questions.

"It's a patch of grass silly!" Wade tells him like it explains everything.

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