Chapter 26: The Test

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Tuesday, April 14th at 10:25AM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

Peter wakes up to see that Harley, Morgan and Cassie are still asleep in his bed. He allows his eyes to adjust to the sudden light before looking around.

His eyes dart towards the door only for him to let out a scream, making Harley, Morgan and Cassie all wake up in fear.

"What? Peter? Are you ok?" Harley immediately asks.

"He's-he's..." Peter trails off as he sees that nobody is in the doorway anymore. "I-I saw..."

"Peter, no one is there" Harley tells him.

"I saw him" Peter whispers as his voice cracks.

"Are you kids ok? Friday told me-" Tony asks before stopping himself as he takes in the sight of horror in Peters eyes. He immediately rushes towards the group only for Peter to flinch so he stops himself.

"We're good" Harley assures.

"But Harley, he was standing there" Peter protests.

"Who's he?" Morgan wonders.

"No one was standing there" Cassie points out.

"Cassie and Maguna, I think you two should go in your rooms. Fri, get Cho and some doctors into Cassie and Morgan's room to help them out" Tony instructs.

"But we wanna stay here" Morgan argues.

"You can see them later. I'll follow you out in a few" Tony claims.

"No Black Widow!" Peter instructs which makes Cassie and Morgan not move from the bed.

"It's ok, you two can go" Harley assures.

"But Harley-" Peter begins to say.

"Morgan and Cassie, please go to your rooms" Harley instructs to which they listen to.

"Pete, are you alright?" Tony wonders making Peter nod his head in response but the tears in his eyes are a dead giveaway.

"They're goin' to be alright. No one is here that isn't supposed to be" Harley informs.

"Harley, I think you should go to your room too" Tony sighs.

"What? No! Peter needs me!" Harley argues.

"He'll be alright. Cho needs to check up on you anyways" Tony claims.

"I'm not leavin' him" Harley protests.

"I'm still here, he'll be fine" Tony assures.

"Fine. I'll be right back Pete" Harley claims before leaving the room.

"He was standing in the d-doorway" Peter whispers.

"Nobody was in the doorway Roo. I promise you that" Tony promises.

Peters tears starts to come down faster. Tony replaces Harley by sitting where he was just at and gently pulls Peter into a hug.

"T-Tony" Peter cries out.

"Yeah kiddo?" Tony replies.

"I'm sc-scared. I'm so scared. I-I don't want anybody t-to hurt them" Peter claims.

"Nobody is hurting anybody. I won't allow that to happen. No one can sneak through the tower without Friday knowing" Tony assures him.

"I thought you were d-dead" Peter recalls.

"I'm alive underoos" Tony reassures.

Peter continues to cry into Tony despite it hurting his healing ribs. Tony tries to calm him down but Peter won't listen.

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