Chapter 22: The Room Where It Happened

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Thursday, March 26th at 3:33AM

Peter gets woken up by his spider senses, screaming at him.

He hears someone approaching the door and knows exactly who it is. He feels his whole body go frozen as he backs up more towards the corner of the wall.

His heartbeat skips a beat. Rapidly beating.

He hears the key going into the key hole right before unlocking.

The door opens and Peter feels like his voice got taken away from him.

Standing in the doorway just before slipping in and shutting the door is Steven 'Skip' Westcott who he already encountered here a dozen times already.

He feels sick to his stomach. He wants to scream but he doesn't even have a voice.

Skip comes closer to Peter, saying something but Peter doesn't listen. He doesn't want to listen. He already did it earlier so why again?

Tears are stinging at his eyes as Skip is now looming over him.


Thursday, March 26th at 12:19PM

Peter wasn't able to go back to sleep. Not after that.

Every time he hears someone down the hallway, he flinches thinking it's him again.

He feels like his younger self.

Just a babysitter he claimed to be.

It's just a game he said.

Just a fun game.

And now he's back. Out of jail and is here with him again. Having done it a couple of times that Peter hasn't been counting. He doesn't want to be counting. He just wants it to be over. He wants to go home but his home is gone. May is dead and so is Tony.

He feels his tears streaming down his face but he doesn't wipe them away. There isn't a point when more keeps coming.

He hears a key jingling in the key hole which makes him flinch out of his thoughts. He stares at the door until it opens up to reveal William Cross.

"Francis told me to do that so you know I'm not somebody else" William informs just as he looks at Peters tear stricken face. "Don't worry, I'm taking you to your friends. We aren't hurting you today."

Peter doesn't answer or move. He continues to stare at William.

"Jesus kid. This wasn't meant to happen. Just follow a few orders, get revenge on parents but I didn't know it was going to go into torturing" William sighs as he steps in and towards Peter. "I'll help you up. I know you can't walk very well."

William puts a hand out but all Peter does is flinch and stare.

"I want to get you back to your friends. You want that, don't you?" William questions only for Peter to nod. "Then let me help you up and we'll go back to your regular room with your friends."

"Where's Francis?" Peter wonders.

"I'll tell you once we get back. I don't want to stay in here longer cause I don't want them to get suspicious" William exclaims.

Peter skeptically looks at him before hesitantly grabbing his hand. William gently helps him up and wraps an arm around Peter to help him walk.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Francis gave you breakfast and a bathroom break, right?" William asks while Peter nods his head. "Ok, just wanted to make sure."

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