Chapter 11: Messing With Minds

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Sunday, February 22nd at 7:17PM

Peter was dragged out of the room awhile ago, completely passed out. Baron had injected a needle into him while everyone else was pointing guns at them all. They couldn't do anything but shout at them as the inject the substance into Peter and drag him away.

Cassie and Morgan are out from under the bed by Harley and Ned at the corner of the wall while Abe and Flash are on the wall next to them.

"It been forevew. Is Petey coming back?" Morgan asks.

"Yes" Harley nods.

"When?" Cassie wonders.

"Soon" Harley claims.

"I wonder how many days we've been missing for" Abe wonders.

"Probably a couple days, less than that maybe" Ned shrugs.

"At least we get food, water and bathroom breaks" Flash points out the only good things.

"But I wan' dessert" Morgan sighs.

"Not now but we will soon have loadssss of dessert! Ice cream and cake and cookies" Cassie lists.

"And brownies and lollipops, oh and ice pops! And-and so much more!" Morgan smiles.

"My daddy can make everything so big so we will have an endless supply!" Cassie giggles.

"With the particles everyone talks about?" Morgan wonders.

"Pym particles" Cassie replies.

"Woahhh" Morgan gasps only to be interrupted by the key jingling in the door.

"Shit" Flash curses.

"Thor" Harley instructs but it's too late.

The door is quick to shut just as quick it began to open. Luckily for them, it's just Francis and no one else.

"Where's Peter?" Ned wonders.

"You need to listen to me, all of you" Francis states.

"What is it?" Abe questions.

"It's about Peter but you gotta listen quickly because I gotta go back out there. They don't know I'm in here" Francis begins to say.


Sunday, February 22nd at 7:20PM

Peter wakes up, sitting on a chair with vibranium handcuffs and vibranium straps around his legs. He looks in front of him to see May and Tony awake and looking at him.

"It's going to be ok sweetie" May assures.

"What? How are you guys here? Are the avengers coming?" Peter questions.

"Yeah, they're getting our location right now" Tony nods.

Peter let's out a sigh of relief. He couldn't wait to go back to the tower and his apartment in Queens.

"But why are you guys here?" Peter wonders.

"They kidnapped us but we're ok. Are you ok sweetie? You look hurt" May points out.

"Yeah, I'm ok. It's old" Peter shrugs.

"Jesus Christ kid. I'm so sorry. I had all these protocols and you and everyone else got stuck in this mess" Tony apologizes.

"No, no, it's not your fault. Everyone's fine" Peter answers.

"Enough blabbering" Baron interrupts as him, Bullseye, Grant, Ivan, Baron and William walks into the room they're in.

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