Chapter 13: Lord Have Mercy

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Monday, February 23rd at 12:45PM

Peter gets gently put into the cell by Francis who doesn't say anything as he leaves. Peter knows Garrison was watching them so he doesn't mind.

Harley and Ned is quick to help him off of the floor as he squeezes his eyes in pain. They go to the wall and sit down.

"What hurts?" Harley asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine" Peter lies.

"Why didn't Francis come in or anything?" Ned wonders.

"Garrison was secretly watching" Peter claims. "Are you all ok?"

"We're fine" Abe assures when he notices Cassie and Morgan.

"What happened to you two?" Peter questions.

"They broke my thumb and Morgan's arm" Cassie informs.

"I'm so sorry. They shouldn't have taken you two, none of you" Peter apologizes.

"It's not your fault" Flash argues.

"I saw daddy" Morgan tells Peter but he just shakes his head.

"He's...Mo I'm sorry but he isn't here anymore" Peter sighs.

"Yes he is" Morgan protests.

"When is everyone coming? It's been days" Cassie wonders.

"Soon" Peter replies.

"Yeah, does anyone even know what day it is?" Abe questions only for no one to respond.

"Maybe Francis will tell us if we ask" Flash assumes.

"Why is red leaking under your shirt?" Cassie asks which makes everyone's eyes turn to Peter.

"Peter!" Harley practically shouts.

"I'm ok" Peter waves off.

"That's a lot of blood" Ned gasps.

Harley is quick to grab the plastic bag that contains the medical supplies while Ned pries the sticky and bloody shirt up to reveal a gash right above his stomach area.

"How are you even still awake?" Flash questions with wide eyes.

"We gotta bandage that" Abe instructs while Harley starts pulling the bandage wraps out.

Peter slaps Harleys hand away before reaching for the bag himself. Everyone looks confused before he pulls out a needle and some thread.

"I got it" Peter assures.

"Peter you better give me that right now. You ain't stitching yourself up" Harley demands.

"I've done it before" Peter claims right as he begins to stitch himself up.

"Gross" Morgan comments.

"You didn't even clean it!" Ned argues.

"Ned, look where we are right now" Peter reminds him.

"Jesus Christ Peter" Abe states in disbelief.

"Hey, I've stitched myself up plenty of times before people knew my identity. I'm fine" Peter recalls.

"That doesn't make this ok" Flash claims.

"I still should've done that" Harley rolls his eyes as Peter finishes.

"You've never stitched somebody up before Harls. I had Ned stitch me up one time and I learned my lesson" Peter shakes his head.

"I can't do good under pressure especially when it comes to stitching you up!" Ned protests.

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