Chapter 32: Dissociation

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Thursday, April 16th at 12:00PM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

Maria and Seamstress had met back up and shared information to know what Maria will need to ask Peter.

To be honest, they don't know how this is going to work. They know Peters state right now. They know he barely talks, stares off into space, half of himself isn't even there sometimes, they know all of it. They've been told by Dr. Cho, May, Tony and basically the kids.

They know Peter might freak out when he sees the photos due to what everyone's telling them. Hell, the other kids freaked out but hid the fact that they were from them. Even Morgan and Cassie hid their panicked state!

It's like the kids have been doing that the whole time they've been gone which they most likely were.

"Harley should probably be in the room. Him or Ned actually" Tony suggests while him, May and Maria are alone.

"You know that can't happen" Maria shuts down.

"You haven't seen him Maria. He's in bad shape" May claims.

"I know you can't let us be in there but why not somebody who was with him during that time?" Tony questions.

"Say that gets allowed, who would even be with him? How would he be comfortable saying what happened when I have to ask those questions?" Maria wonders.

"You're right, he wouldn't. Not even with Ned or Harley in the room" May realizes.

"Ok then how is this even going to work? As soon as he sees you just like everyone else you said, he's going to be scared. You and Seamstress said everyone backed themselves to the end of the beds. You said they were all scared but act like they weren't for most of it. What are we going to do now? How about you just say you questioned him?" Tony recalls everything.

"We've been over this" Maria sighs.

"Tony is right though. Like what we said earlier, he barely speaks and when he does, it's not always in sentences" May points out.

"Well I still need to question him no matter what. I'll take it slow with the questions. Give him a minute of a break or so. If he panics, I'll let him calm down. If there is anyone you think he would react to worse, we can shuffle around the photos I have" Maria suggests.

"Yeah, let's do that" May nods.


Thursday, April 16th at 12:12PM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

Peter has his headphones on. According to Mj, he was starting to get a sensory overload. She even took his web shooters with her so Peter doesn't shoot webs out at Maria.

Maria is now in Peters room, sitting on a chair. Peter had pushed himself to the far end of his bed at the sight of her walking in. He even tried to curl up his legs only for pain to erupt from his leg which led him to give up.

"Hi Peter, I'm Maria Hill. We've met a couple of times" Maria greets. Peter eyes her suspiciously and she swears that she heard him whisper the god of thunder's name. "I'll just be asking you a couple of questions and showing you photos. If you know them, you can point and please say their name. To make it easier, you can even explain how you know them and if they did anything."

Peter doesn't say anything as he continues to stare at her. He moves so slow that it barely even looks like he's moving until he isn't moving at all. Cho had unplugged his heart monitor so the machine doesn't have to consistently yell out his uneven breathing. They do have Friday after all.

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