Chapter 39: It's Because of Me

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Sunday, April 19th at 7:09PM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

"Boss, your car had just blown up. Happy and May are in danger. Sending location to every avenger" Friday announces.

"Suit up!" Tony hears Steve yell out from the hall.

Tony was talking with Pepper and Rhodey privately once that announcement was made. He was so glad he wasn't in the kids room. He exchanges a look with Pepper before him and Rhodey runs out of the room to suit up.

"Peter" Ned snaps Peter out of his thoughts.

Peter doesn't say anything as his eyes are blown wide. He rips off his wires making everyone stop and look at him. He's already up and putting his web shooters on before anyone else had a chance to rip their wires out.

"Peter! You can't be up and you shouldn't be ripping your wires out!" Cho exclaims as she runs into the room. "Don't any of you dare. Keep everything attached."

Peter tries to go around her but Cho blocks him in.

"Let me go!" Peter shouts.

"Peter, you're at the towers medbay. You're safe" Cho assures. Peter turns his head towards the window. He quickly puts on his web shooters. "Peter, take the web shooters off. You don't need them. Everything's ok, you're safe. I'm not here to hurt you."

"Petey?" Morgan calls out.

"What's wrong?" Cassie asks him.

Peter turns his heels and clicks a button on his web shooters, allowing his iron spider suit particles start to suit him up. Peter goes to run out of the window only for Harley to get in front of him, pushing him back down.

"LET GO OF ME!!" Peter screams.

"Are you crazy right now?! You can't go out there swingin'! I'm sure the avengers are dealin' with whatever you hear but you shouldn't even be usin' your enhanced hearing anyways!" Harley exclaims.

"LET ME GO!! LET ME GO!!" Peter yells as he throws Harley off of him only for Ned to catch him.

"Dude stop! You're hurting yourself!" Ned tells him.

"Woah Peter, you don't need to suit up" Sam tells him as Bucky is right behind him.

Cho must've gotten them while they were trying to stop Peter from throwing himself out of the window.

"You're safe Peter. You're all safe. You're at the towers medbay, look around" Bucky assures.

Peter ignores them as he flips onto the ceiling.

"Peter! Get down!" Flash shouts.

"You're hurting yourself worse! We're safe!" Abe yells.

"Sam! Go!" Bucky shouts as he pushes Sam forward.

Meanwhile Peter is running on the ceiling. Sam misses him by an inch with his wings on, flying across the medbay. Peter had thrown himself out of the open window that Friday quickly opened, making everyone scream. He shoots out a web, catching himself but it only take a moment before Sam grabs him from the air.

Peter screams at Sam and starts trying to fight him off but right now, Sam's stronger than Peter. He doesn't let Peters hits affect him. He flies Peter back into the room and doesn't let him go.


Sam immediately lets go, throwing his hands up into the air. Peter falls onto his butt, quickly crawling backwards until he hits the side wall. He's now sobbing and they can all see. His mask had dissolved off but his suit remains on.

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