Chapter 41: Code Red

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Monday, April 20th at 11:47AM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

Peter is curled up in himself with his stuffed dog.

Everyone is awake, not doing anything. Bolt is playing on the tv but no one seems to really be paying attention.

Knocks erupt from the door, making everyone jump. Peter buries himself further into his pillow while everyone calms down after realizing it's just Cho to do a checkup.

She does the check ups pretty quick. After Cho assures Peter that she won't hurt him, he lets her do her checkup before leaving. Once she leaves, Peter curls back in on himself.

"Pete, do you want to check in on May?" Harley asks, wondering if that's the problem.

Peter doesn't respond but nods his head. Harley knows he probably shouldn't be doing this but it's not his fault he just wants to make sure Peter is alright and stuff.

Harley carefully takes out his wires, knowing what to do. He's been watching Cho do it so he doesn't have to bleed every time. He quickly makes his way over to Peter and carefully takes out his wires too.

"Don't take too long. We don't want anyone knowing you two are sneaking out" Ned reminds them.

"We won't take that long" Harley assures. "Can I carry you Pete?"

Peter nods his head but before Harley picks him up, Morgan speaks up.

"Why cannot we come?" Morgan asks.

"Because we ain't supposed to be up and about. This will be a secret, ok?" Harley supposes.

"I am great for keeping secrets!" Cassie smiles.

"Good, now Peter and I will be right back. Abe, Flash and Ned will keep an eye on you two" Harley claims.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait" Peter whispers frantically with his eyes squeezed shut.

"What?" Harley wonders, not moving from where he is at with Peter in his hands.

"We can't leave" Peter reminds him.

"Yeah we can. We're just goin' to visit your aunt and then come right back. I'll even stand guard at the door if you want" Harley explains.

"P-punishment" Peter whispers.

"There is no punishment Pete. If you don't want to see your aunt and wait for Tony, we can also do that" Harley assures.

"I have to see if she's ok" Peter claims.

"I'm sure she's alright. Now do you want to go or not? It's ok if not" Harley tells him.

"I don't want you to get hurt" Peter whispers.

"I'm not going to get hurt and neither are you or anyone else" Harley reassures. Peter shakes his head, eyes focused now on the door. "I'll be right back, ok?"

"No! No, no, no! Don't go out there!" Peter shouts with tears forming at his eyes.

"Peter, we're at the towers medbay. We're all safe" Abe reminds him.

"Why don't you just stay here Harley?" Flash suggests.

"Hey Pete, it's alright. I'm ok and so are you. We're all ok. I'm sorry. We're at the towers medbay, ok?" Harley is quick to assure again. "May is ok. You can see her later. Everyone's safe."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry" Peter apologizes.

"It's ok Pete. Do you just want to stay in here? You don't have to go out there right now" Harley claims.

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