Chapter 18: Back After Years

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Monday, March 9th at 1:02PM

Francis signals to Ned and Harley as he throws Peter. They both quickly catch him just as the door slams shut and gets locked. Peters messed up knee wobbles but they don't let him hit the ground.

They slowly and carefully walk him over to the wall until they sat him down. Abe and Flash hands them the medical bag but Harley shakes his head as he doesn't see Peter bleeding anywhere.

"Pete, what happened?" Harley asks but Peter just starts crying.

There were already tear trail marks but he wasn't crying when he got thrown in. Harley waves everyone away as he wraps Peter up in a gentle hug. Peter flinches but he doesn't squirm away, he just continues to cry.

"He's back. He's back. He's back" Peter repeats as he mumbles into Harley.

"Who's back Pete? Who are you talkin' about?" Harley wonders but Peter keeps mumbling the words over and over again. Harley looks over at Ned who look confused but stricken at the same time. "Ned? What the fuck is he talkin' about?"

"Peter is..." Ned trails off, not wanting to even think about it. To think about him.

"D-don't! Ned please, y-you promised to n-not" Peter pleads as he squirms away from Harley.

"Holy shit Peter. He's in jail! How-how is he even here?!" Ned questions.

"Who? Who are you talking about? Mother of pearl! I deserve to know Ned! He's my brother!" Harley argues.

"No! It's n-no one" Peter lies.

"That's rubbish Peter! What the hell did they do to you and who is he?" Harley demands.

"Fuck off H-Harley. It's n-no o-one" Peter curses.

Ned eyes Harley telling him to stop so Harley nods.

"Fine. Don't tell me then" Harley relents as Peter continues to cry.

"Can you at least tell us how they tracked him. How they knew?" Ned wonders.

"B-background in-information. F-Fisk is m-mad. D-dunno" Peter whispers.

"He didn't..." Ned trails off for Peter to shake his head.

"No" Peter denies but he continues to cry.

Ned knows he must be lying but is horrified at the thought of Skip Westcott being here. The guy had got sentenced to jail for years. For years of trafficking young kids. Now Wilson Fisk had dug up research and found out this had happened to Peter? There must be something that set him off but he doesn't know what. It's not like any of them got put in front of a camera again.

Morgan and Cassie hugs Peter which he allows. He hugs them back and holds them in a protective and safe way. Ned knows that he is here for Peter but they have to hide Cassie and Morgan better just incase. That thought sends shivers down Neds spine.


Monday, March 9th at 1:09PM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

Emmet, Harrison and Rosie haven't gotten a message from their kids kidnappers since they saw their kids getting tortured.

There haven't been any emails either.

They don't know what's going to happen. They haven't told a soul in fear of their kids safety.

Tammy, Maggie, Jim, Jada and Marcel have never received a video or an email. They're oblivious to what's going on. They don't know if their kids are hurt or not, none of them truly do.

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