Chapter 14: He's Dead

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Tuesday, February 24th at 1:00PM at the Avengers Tower in Manhattan, New York City

Tony and Scott had received yet another FaceTime call. They were anticipating what was going to happen. Dreading for whoever will be at the other end of the call.

When they had received the call, they saw Harley strapped down and Baron and Grant in front of the screen. It didn't matter how much they screamed to stop because they never listened. Not when it was Peter, not when it was Cassie and Morgan and not when it's now Harley.

It goes on for twenty minutes until they finally stop torturing Harley. Scott may have only met Harley twice but he still felt terrible for the boy.

"TONY!! PE-" Harley tries to say before the call ends.

"Shit! What was he gonna say?!" Tony shouts.

"I don't know, I don't know. Fuck" Scott repeats.

"This can't keep continuing" Tony shakes his head.

"They have to find them fast" Scott agrees.

"It's already been five days Scott. What the fuck are we going to do? We can't do shit!" Tony counts the days.

"I know! It sucks and we can't let anyone know but we'll get them back" Scott claims.

"We'll get them back" Tony repeats because it's all they can do. It's all they can say. They can't tell anybody what they're witnessing besides the fact that everyone knows about Peter.

Tony honestly still feels that Peter is alive. There is just no way he could've died but it also makes so much sense just because of how much they tortured him that session. But then Morgan and Cassie were both saying he's alive but the picture looked real. He honestly doesn't know what to think but he along with Scott still believes that Peter is alive. 

Tony hates that word. He hates every word that has to do with this kidnapping. He wants Peter to still be alive and he wants Harley, Morgan and even Ted back. Even Peters teammate and stupid bully.

Both Scott and Tony are at lost for what to do. They wish somebody would just find them already.


Tuesday, February 25th at 1:10PM

Harley gets thrown in the cell as Ned helps him up. Peter wishes he could help Harley like how Harley helps him but he can barley walk. They messed up his knee and then messed it up again. They broke his wrist and his ribs as well.

Morgan and Cassie runs over to Harley with the plastic bag of medical supplies. They're running low on supplies. There wasn't that much in there to begin with.

Peter had whispered it to Francis yesterday but he said he would try and get some more supplies. He can't promise though and they all understand that. They're just glad Francis is trying to help them.

Harley can move easily on his own. They only cut him up a few times but not too deep for stitches thankfully. Ned helps Harley apply bandages before they finish up.

"Tony was on the phone" Harley claims.

"Can you stop with that?" Peter questions.

"I'm sorry but he was on the phone with Scott" Harley apologizes.

"I s-saw him and May. Please stop this Harley" Peter pleading, looking down.

Harley wraps an arm around Peter which Peter doesn't fight. Harley spots the tear rolling down Peters face before Peter wipes it away. He looks over to Flash and Abe who are whispering and Ned who is trying to entertain Cassie and Morgan. He looks back down at Peter whispering another apology.

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