Chapter 8: The Defenders

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Saturday, February 21st at 7:12PM at the Avengers Tower in Manhattan, New York City

May enters Tony's lab to only see Tony in there. She had asked Friday before going to talk to Tony to ask where he is and if he was with anyone. Luckily, he's by himself at the moment.

"Hey May" Tony greets as he spins in his chair to face May.

"Hey" May replies.

"I'm sorry about Peter, May. I should've put more trackers in him or something. This shouldn't have happened" Tony apologizes.

"I don't blame you for this. This is something that no one can really prevent Tony, not even you" May assures.

"You trusted me with him" Tony reminds her.

"And I still do. Do you think Peters parents and Ben don't trust me with him anymore because of this?" May questions.

"No but you're his aunt and-" Tony begins to say.

"No buts. That doesn't mean anything. I can say they hate me but deep down, I know they don't. It's the same for you Tony. You can put these words into my mouth but I don't hate you at all. This isn't your fault" May compares.

"This isn't your fault either" Tony assures her. "I'm sorry I've been being a jerk. I should've checked up on you. You are his aunt after all."

"Tony, I don't care about any of that right now. I'm just happy you're helping out because this proves how much you care about him. I see it when you two hang out and how you both talk about each other. I know you'd do anything to get him back" May explains.

"I shouldn't even have gotten so close. I am a Stark after all and who knows? It could be a villain of mine who wants revenge on Peter. They did take Harley and Morgan too so I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be a villain of mine" Tony argues.

"I may haven't met your father but I know you aren't him. We found out earlier that it was Garrison Klum and William Cross. So far, not your villains. You did your best to protect all of them" May claims. "Did you even talk to Harleys mom?"

"No, I probably should. I know Pepper already talked to her but it'd be me if she were to be upset with anyone" Tony blames.

"I think she will say the same thing I'm saying to you Tony and even if she doesn't, you don't even have to worry about it. Your focus shouldn't be on apologizes anyways" May states.

"Yeah, my focus should be on finding everyone" Tony agrees.

"With the proper amount of food and sleep" May adds.

"Yeah, whatever" Tony brushes off.

"I'm serious Tony, I don't want to have to send Pepper or anyone else down" May warns.

"We'll get him back May" Tony assures.

"We'll get them all back" May reassures.


Saturday, February 21st at 11:26PM at Matthew Murdocks Apartment in Hells Kitchen, New York City

Jessica Jones, Wade Wilson, Luke Cage, Danny Rand, Frank Castle, Foggy Nelson and Karen Page are all in Matt's apartment.

They all know Peter Parker is Spider-Man because they've came across him enough times that they all got to know each other. One time Peter was badly hurt and was so close to Hells Kitchen that he stumbled in Matt's apartment while Frank, Foggy, Karen and him were talking about a court trial for Frank. They easily helped him and got him back on his feet with Tony Stark calling and calling Peters phone like an angry dad which they found hilarious after knowing Peter was alright.

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