Lighting Trailer

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A target dummy's head gets cut off as Wisteria runs past, lighting trails behind her. Wisteria flips through the air as she fires both her pistols on full auto, then lands on the ground and changes them to short swords and stabs them into a target. She kicks the target away and changes one of her short swords into a pistol and fires a single round to her left.

She takes a few heavy breaths as sweat trails down her head, and she looks to the side, to see a dummy with a bullet hole in the middle of its head.

"Lady Wisteria, your parents call for you, in the dining room." An old butler walks into the room.

Wisteria changes her one sword back into a pistol. "Thank you, Pruse. Tell them I'll be there within the hour."

Pruse bows. "Yes, my lady." He walks out of the room.

Wisteria sighs and walks to the entrance of the room and opens up a locker, then sets her pistols inside and grabs a towel and a bottle water. She wipes the sweat off her head as she drinks some water.

Wisteria then walks out of the large training room and down the hall of the Amberheart mansion. She walks down the hall with a stoic look as a few maids bow to her as she passes.

After a few minutes of walking, Wisteria reaches her room and enters it. Her room just has some plain purple wallpaper, with a white desk and dress in the corner of the room. A single bed rests on the left of the room, then there's a door opposite of the bed.

Wisteria goes over to the door and enters it, revealing a bathroom. She closes the door behind her and drops her towel. She takes off the long sleeved shirt she's wearing and drops it on the ground.

She looks at herself in the mirror, looking at her six pack of muscles and muscular arms. She then puts a hand through her long white hair that fades to purple as it ends. Wisteria just hums to herself and takes off pants and goes over to the shower and starts it up.




Wisteria, wearing a new outfit, one with long sleeves, enters the dining room. Her mother has with along white hair and blue eyes.

Sitting across from her mother is Wisteria's father, a man with purple hair and light purple eyes

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Sitting across from her mother is Wisteria's father, a man with purple hair and light purple eyes.

"Mother, Father." Wisteria greets as she sits on the opposite end of the table from them.

Her mother nods as she drinks some tea.

"Wisteria, let's not beat the bush around." Her father, Album, says. "I don't want you going to Beacon, I want you to stay home and go to Atlas Academy."

Wisteria just hums. "...No."

"Wisteria, are you sure you want to go there?" Her Mother, Lila, asks.

"Yes, Mother, I want to visit other places of the world. Besides, Weiss is going to Beacon."

Album grunts in anger. "Your cousin is a black sheep of her family."

"She's doing what she wants, and what is good for her." Wisteria states. "So I will do what I want."

"Why not stay here and get married to that Marigold boy, it'll be good for us."

"'She' doesn't talk to her family anymore and I will marry whoever I want, whenever I want."

Album gets angry and slams his hand on the table. "Wisteria Lavendel Amberheart! You will stay here and go to Atlas-"

"Album, shut the hell up." Lila glares at her husband. "This'll be good for Wisteria, so let her do it."


"You're just butt hurt that your father chose your daughter as the heir to the family, instead of you."

Album's face is red with anger and he just storms out of the room.

"What a child." Lila grunts as she drinks her tea and looks at her daughter. "Do have fun at Beacon, sweetheart, and make many friends."

Wisteria nods. "Yes, Mother." She stands up and leaves the room.




Wisteria is standing around the Bullhead landing pads and she looks up to Atlas. Suddenly someone bumps into her, she looks down to see a short female rabbit Faunas, it's Olivia.

Olivia looks up to Wisteria. "Oh, I'm sorry." She shyly says.

Wisteria hums. "It's fine." She then turns around and walks into one of the Bullheads with a sign that says 'Vale' next to it. 'Vale, here I come.'

She gets on and waits for it to take off, a couple minutes later the Bullhead shakes and takes off. Wisteria looks around and sees Olivia, she walks over to the rabbit faunus. "Going to Vale?"

Olivia turns around and sees Wisteria, and nods. "Y-Yeah, I'm Olivia Viridi, it's nice to meet you." She does a little bow.

'Heh, cute.' Wisteria then nods. "I'm Wisteria Amberheart." Olivia starts to sweat. "You must know my family name from the look on your face."

"Y-yes!" Olivia squeaks. "Oh, I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway."

"It's fine, you've done nothing wrong. I'm not like my stuck up and snobbish father, who's a big disgrace to our name. I aim to be like my great Grandfather, Purpura Amberheart."

Olivia smiles. "He's like a hero!"

Wisteria gains a small smile. "Yes, and I want to be like him."

"That's a lot to live up to."

"It is, but with enough hard work and dedication, I will do it."

"Then I'll cheer for you!" Olivia says with determination.

Wisteria raises an eyebrow. "You'll cheer for someone you just met?"

Olivia gains a blush. "Y-You have a noble and just cause, so its a reason too."

Wisteria nods. "You're an interesting character Olivia, I do hope we'll talk more during Beacon."

Olivia smiles and her rabbit ears twitch. "Oh, yes, it'll be nice to have some friends before Beacon starts."

"Then I hope we'll be friends for a long time."

"Me too!"

'This'll definitely be an interesting few years.' Wisteria smiles to herself.



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