The Shining Beacon, Pt.2

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Yin and Lapis rush into the auditorium.

"I think we made it!" Yin says with a smile.

Lapis shoves Yin to the side. "No thanks to you!" She scowls. "You nearly made us late!"

Yin pays no attention to the angry short person, as he looks through the crowd and spots Yang. She hasn't noticed him yet.

"You have fun, I'm going over to Yang." Yin says and walks off.

Lapis holds her hands out. "But-" She just sighs and lowers her hand.

Yin moves through the crows towards his Older twin sister Yang. He gets up behind her and gains an intrusive thought. A big smirk forms on his face and he reaches out to Yang's hair and tugs on it.

Yang quickly turns around and throws a punch, which Yin catches. Red eyes meet red eyes. Yang glares at Yin and he smugly smiles.

"Sup, sis." Yin smiles.

Yang growls at Yin and stomps her foot onto his toes. He bites his lip, as to not yell out, and lets go of Yang's fist. Yang's eyes go back to Lilac as she smugly smiles. "Sup, bro."

Yin glares at his sister. "Not fair."

"Oh everything goes when you involve the hair."

Yin sticks his tongue out at Yang. "I was just getting a little revenge for eating my toast this morning."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't just leave toast in the toaster." Yang retorts.

"I went to the bathroom!"

"Well, maybe you should've been a man and held it in!"

The two twins but heads together.

"Well, maybe if you would get up early for once and make yourself breakfast!" Yin says.

"Well, maybe if you didn't stay up so late doing illegal races!" Yang says back.

"Maybe you should get a job!"

"Maybe you should get a real job!"

Yin and Yang take a step back from each other.

"You win this time." Yin says. "Next time, I'll Yin." Yin smirks at his pun.

Yang chuckles and she looks over to the entrance and spots Ruby. "Ruby!" Yang yells and waves her over. "I saved you a spot!"

"Pfft, you saving something." Yin remarks, causing Yang to punch him in the arm. "Ow." Yin rubs his arm.

Ruby makes it over to the two.

"How's your first day going, little sister?" Yang asks.

"You mean since you both ditched me and I exploded!?" Ruby slightly yells at the two.

"Ooof, meltdown before the first day of school?" Yin asks.

"No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school..." Ruby says and Yin gives her a questioning look. "There was fire... and I think some ice."

Yin leans over to Yang. "I think we should put her on a leash next time." He whispers and Yang nods.

"Are you being sarcastic?" Yang asks Ruby.

Ruby scoffs. "Ugh, I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage! And then she yelled at me! And then I sneezed! And then I exploded! And then she yelled again! And I felt really, really bad! And I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!"

"You!" A white hair female yells at Ruby from behind.

Ruby jumps into Yin's arms. "Oh God, it's happening again!"

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