The Stray

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Team YLOW is walking through Vale. Wisteria looks around with curiosity in her eyes. Olivia looks a little nervous, Lapis is just tapping away on her Scroll, while Yin leads them with a big smile on his face.

"What are we doing here, again?" Lapis asks with an annoyed tone.

"We're visiting the weapons shop!"Yin turns around and walks backwards. "I've saved up some money to buy myself a spare weapon, in case I lose Judgement Day again." He taps the gun on his back.

"That's a pretty good idea." Olivia says.

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised you came up with it." Lapis says with a raised brow.

"Do have a little faith in him." Wisteria looks at Lapis.

"Oh, it was Yang that suggested it." Yin informs. "So I saved-" He hits the back of his head on a sigh and he stops walking. "Ow."

Lapis sighs. "I knew he wasn't smart enough to come up with it."

Yin turns around. "Onward!" He walks into another sign.

Lapis facepalms, Wisteria sighs, and Olivia cringes.




The team is walking through a large weapons shop. Wisteria and Olivia are looking at rifles as Lapis is looking at pistols. Yin is walking around with the shop owner.

"What are you thinking?" The shop owner asks Yin as they walk through the aisles of weapons, and weapon parts.

"Well, it mainly just has to be a knife, with a powerful gun." Yin says.

The shop owner hums as he puts hand on his chin. The two reach the cashiering counter. "I think i got something, wait here." He goes through a door behind him.

A nearby camera's red light turns green and it moves to look down at Yin.

Yin's scroll vibrates and he pulls it out. Yin sees a message from Yang and he opens it up, showing a picture of her and the rest of her team at the docks. There's a caption at the bottom of the picture, "Snow Queen makes everything so boring."

Yin chuckles and puts his scroll away as the Shop owner comes back with a case in hand.

"I think this'll suit ya." He opens up the case to reveal a revolver.

" He opens up the case to reveal a revolver

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"Wow." Yin smiles as he looks down at the weapon.

The shop owner picks up the gun and twirls it around. "I built this thing myself, so you know it's a good one. It has a five round chamber that holds .500 S&W bullets." Yin whistles in awe and the shop owner switches the gun into knife mode. "And it's got a sharp edge too, spent a while sharpening it." He hands Yin the weapon.

Yin looks the knife over, then switches it to Revolver mode. "Wow, this is a pretty amazing weapon." He aims the gun up to the ceiling and aims down the sights.

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