Volume 2 Final: Breach

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Lapis, Wisteria and Olivia run through the streets of Vale. Lapis has Judgement Day on her back. Olivia looks around. "Where's Purpura?" The rabbit Faunus asks.

Wisteria looks around for her grandfather, but doesn't see him. "We have no time to stop and look, just keep moving!"

Suddenly a loud explosion is heard within the city and the ground slightly rumbles beneath the three, causing them to stop.

"What the hell was that?!" Lapis shouts.

Alarms ring out and civilians scream and the roar of Grimms are heard.

"We need to move!" Wisteria orders.

"Right!" The two others shout.

The three girls run int he directions of a smoke pillar.

'Yin, you better be alright.' Lapis says in thought.




Yin is doing his best to run down the street towards the smoke pillar. The bandanna on his head has gone from yellow to red, from the bleeding wound on his head. Part of his shirt is stained red from the gunshot wound on stomach.

Yin stumbles a little. "Woh!" he shakes his head and gets his bearings. A his golden aura surrounds him. "Alright, got my aura back!"

Suddenly a loud hiss is heard and several roars from Yin's side. Yin slides to a stop and looks at the noise and spots a King Taijitu pair and several Beowolfs.

"Okay..." Yin grabs Vulcan from under the back of his shirt, as it was tucked into his pants. Yin spins the revolver around and aims it forward. "Who's first?"

The black head of the Taijitu roars and the Grimms charge at Yin.

"Okay, everyone at once..." Yin hits the side of his head as his vision starts to blur. "...I think I can work with that."

Yin's eyes go Lilac as his weapon glows and catches on fire. Yin swiftly aims his weapon forward and fires several shots. The rounds fly into the air and slam into a couple Beowolves, blowing them apart.

A Beowolf lunges at Yin, but he ducks down and it flies above him. Yin the pushes up and the Beowolf gets throw back into another Beowolf.

Yin then blows the two Beowolfs part with a couple rounds. Yin then jumps up as the white head of the King Taijitu lunges at him. He aims his gun at the black head and pulls the trigger, but a click is heard.

"Crap!" Yin grunts as he back flips and avoids another attack from the Taijitu.

Yin switches his revolver into its knife form and he lands on the ground. He then throws his hand out and grabs onto a large fang from the White head as it tries to bite him.

Yin shouts a battle cry and rips the tooth out, which causes the head to roar in pain, and he slams the tooth into the second head as it lunges at him.

The Blake head roars in pain, but it gets cuff of as Yin punches the Fang deep into it's eye and it falls to the ground, turning to dust.

Yin the yells as his hair glows bright and catches on fire and he swings his knife at the White head. A large fire slash cuts through the white had and decapitates it.

Yin looks at surprised as the white head starts to turn to dust. "That was new."

Yin looks around and just sees Grimm bodies turning to Dust. "Better get moving." He coughs a couple times as he starts to run.

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