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We see Yin sitting in a dark room with a light above his head.

'This feels familiar.' Yin says in thought.

"A lot of people were hurt last night, Mr. Xiao Long." Ozpin walks into the room.

"Well, it wasn't our fault." Yin states.

"Even if it wasn't you and Team RWBY were involved in that highway chase." Ozpin takes a sip of his hot chocolate. "It caused a lot of damage to public property, and I heard of an illegal street race in down town Vale. This would call for expulsion."

Yin looks down sad.

"But..." Ozpin starts. "Your team did save a lot of people from getting even more hurt or dying. So that I must thank you for, and I guess I can over look this incident."

Yin looks up hopeful.

"Though, I do expect you to get your grades up before the end of the year, Mr. Xiao Long."

Yin nods with determination. "Yes, sir!"




Yin shuts a locker and he cracks his neck. He wraps his scarf up tight, before grabbing onto Judgement Day, in scythe form.

Yin smiles as he stretches his arms and exits the locker room to see Pyrrha standing across from him, in full combat gear, on a stage.

A camera us seen watching the stage with a green light on it.

Pyrrha smiles as Yin as she readies her spear. Yin smiles back as he twists his scythe around and slams it into the ground.

A beep is heard and the two launch at each other. Yin brings his scythe down onto Pyrrha, and she swiftly parries the attack and rolls past Yin.

As Pyrrha rolls she swings her spear at Yin's side, but he pushes his scythe onto the ground and lifts himself up above the attack.

Pyrrha spins around, changing her spear into her rifle, and fires off several rounds, which Yin twists through the air as they fly past him. He lands on the ground and his scythe catches on fire.

Yin brings up his scythe as he lunges at Pyrrha, she jumps back as the scythe slams into the ground where she was standing. Then he pushes forward, only for Pyrrha to grab the handle of his weapon and slam her shield into Yin's stomach and he flies back.

Yin slides across the ground and his scythe, unlit, lands next to him. He wipes some spit from the corner of his mouth and grabs his scythe and it ignites in flames again.

"Good hit." Yin gets up.

"Thank you." Pyrrha smiles.

Yin launches back at Pyrrha and swings his scythe several times, but she back steps each attack, before stabbing her spear towards Yin.

Yin slides to the side and grabs Pyrrha's spear and flips her up into the air. Yin brings his scythe up and fires several flaming round at Pyrrha.

Pyrrha brings up her shield and the rounds slam into it, sending her across the arena. Pyrrha flips a few times and she lands on her feet and slides a few feet.

Pyrrha looks at her shield and sees several smoking dents in it. She then turns back towards Yin. She lunges at it and swings her spear several times, with Yin blocking each attack, only to get kicked in the stomach.

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