Dance Dance Infiltration

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Weiss and Yin dance as classical music plays.

"I didn't know you could dance." Weiss says as the two spin around.

"Well, when you grow up with two sisters, they force you to do somethings." Yin informs.

"Does that explain the braids in your hair?" Weiss glances at the three small braids in his hair.

Yin smiles. "Okay, somethings were not exactly forced."

Weiss giggles as they continue to dance. "I think you look nice with some braids."

"Maybe I'll get a few more." Yin then looks around.

"Something wrong?"

"I just noticed I haven't seen Lapis all night, I wonder if she's okay?"

"Well, maybe you should go and ask your team."

Yin spots Wisteria and Olivia dancing a little ways from them. "I hope your fine with me cutting this dance a little short?"

Weiss smiles. "Hey, looking out for your teammates is important, I understand." The two stop dancing and she begins to walk away. "I'm gonna get some punch."

Yin nods and he heads over to his two teammates. Olivia and Wisteria finish their dance as Yin comes up.

"I'm kinda thirsty, I'm gonna get something to drink." Olivia walks off.

"Alright." Wisteria responds and turns to the side where she spots Yin.

Yin holds his hand out. "Want to dance."

Wisteria grabs his hand and the two start dancing.

"You and Olivia look sooo cute dancing together." Yin smiles.

Wisteria gains a small smile. "Thank you." The two spin around.

"Though, have you seen Lapis? I haven't seen her since this morning."

"She just barged into the dorm room before we came and laid on her bed. Said she didn't feel like coming to the dance."

"I better go check on her." Yin stops dancing. "Don't have too much fun without me!" He walks off.

"Okay." Wisteria just nods.




Yin enters his dark dorm room. "Oof, dark." He turns on the light and hears a groan. Yin looks to the side and sees Lapis laying on her bed, with her back facing him. "Hey, Lapis!"

Lapis doesn't respond as he walks over to her and he stands next to her bed. "You okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine." Lapis responds in an angry tone.

"Are you sure, you didn't come to the dance?"

"I just didn't feel like going."

"Why?" Yin is confused. "You seemed really excited to go, even had a date planned didn't you."

"I was excited, until the guy I planned to ask went out with another girl."

"What? How dare he, you like the perfect person to go dancing with. Where is he, I shall have a stern talking with him."

"Yin... just leave it be."

"Fine..." Yin is silent for a few moments. "Hey, we should go to the dance. I still owe you one."

Lapis sits up and turns to Yin, her eyes red from crying. "You still remember that?"

"Hey, I may have a bad memory, but I don't forget my promises." Yin holds his hand out to Lapis. "Well, want to go dance?"

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