Forever Fall

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Yin enters Beacon's weight room and he looks around, seeing a few other students there. He then spots Wisteria, bench pressing some heavy weights.

"Huh?" Yin questions and he walks over to her."What are you doing."

Wisteria glances over as she brings the bar down, then back up. "Doing my daily workout."

"Huh?" Yin looks at the weights. "That's a lot of heavy weights, how much are you lifting?"

"350." Wisteria casually answers.

"350!" Yin yells and a few students look over. "My max is like, 300!"

"This isn't my max."


"My max is 400." Wisteria casually answers again, and she sets the bar back onto the holder and sits up, sweat falling down her brow.

"B-B-B-B-B-B-B-" Wisteria cocks an eyebrow as she looks at her leader, who is currently having an existentialist crisis. "But I was supposed to be the strongest of the team."

Yin looks Wisteria up and down, and sees her large bulging muscles on both her legs and arms, and her six pack of abs.

"How do you look like a body builder?" Yin asks. "You're from a rich family. Your muscles are bigger than mine!"

Wisteria points to her head. "Having a fit body is as important as having a fit mind. My mom is usually my workout partner, I'd say she's even stronger then me with her max being around 600."

Yin's jaw drops, then he recomposes himself and brings a hand up to his chin. "Looks like I have some competition." He smiles to himself and nods. "Yes yes. I shall become stronger than you Wisteria!" He points at her. "By the end of our four years here, I'll be the strongest member of our team!"

Wisteria blinks a few times. "...Ok... Want to hit the treadmill to start then."

Yin smiles. "Sure."




Yin groans as he's being carried by Wisteria, on her back. Sweat dripping off both of them.

"I can't feel anything." Yin whines.

"You can't just do a full body work out for hours on end, you need to take breaks." Wisteria states.

"But you were doing the exact same work out as I was, why aren't you tired like me?"

"I've been doing this stuff since I was a little kid."

"Me too!"

"I've done it more than you, then."

Yin just huffs and pouts. "Not fair."

They walk around a corner and spot Ruby and Jaune talking.

"Hey guys!" Yin calls out.

Ruby and Jaune looks over. "Wow, what happened to you?" Jaune asks.

"He worked out too hard." Wisteria states and Jaune grows confused.

"How can you work out to hard?"

"Oh, Yin does stuff like this all the time." Ruby casually says. "Nearly lost his leg one time."

"How do you nearly lose a leg?" Jaune asks in concern.

"Goodnight!" Yin smiles as Wisteria walks to their dorm, which is next to RWBY's, and they enter.

Lapis is sitting at a desk on the other side of the room, with a book and a notebook in front of her. The only light on in the room is the lamp of Lapis' desk.

Flaming DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora