Volume 1 Final: Blake and White

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Team YLOW is walking the streets of Vale.

"Ugh, it's been two days." Lapis whines. "If she doesn't want to be found, then she doesn't want to be found."

"Oh, come on, Lapis." Yin smiles at the short girl. "Blake's our friend, and Ruby asked for our help. So as the best older brother, that I am, I said yes."

"Plus, we have to make sure she's okay." Olivia speaks up. "I just wish I can find her footsteps."

"It's our duty as her friend to make sure she is." Wisteria adds.

Lapis sighs. "I guess you're right. But she was part of the White Fang, I don't hate faunus or anything, but they are a scary group."

Olivia nods as her ears twitch a little. "I-I do agree with that, they are scary. But we have to give Blake a chance to explain herself."

Wisteria nods. "I agree."

"Yeah, like BunBun said, we have to find Blake so she can explain everything." Yin smiles.

"Bunbun?" Olivia questions.

"So, I say we split up and cover more ground." Yin puts an arm around Olivia. "I'll take Bunbun and we'll search near the docks. You two search the North side of town.

Lapis groans. "But North side is on the other side of the town!"

Wisteria grabs Lapis by the back of the shirt collar. "We mustn't waste time." Lapis whines as she gets dragged.

Yin and Olivia start to walk off.

"Oh, I hope Blake's okay." Olivia shuffles a little.

"Well, Blake is a cat, and they always land on their feet." Yin states. "So I think she'll be fine." Olivia looks at him in confusion.




Lapis and Wisteria walk away from a couple civilians.

"Thank you." Wisteria calls out.

Lapis taps away at her scroll before putting it away. "Y'know, how come you're not... you know..."

"Racists against Faunus." Wisteria glances at her teammate.

"Uh, sure."

"Well the Amberhearts have usually been neutral in the Faunus stuff. My mother said she's very good friends with Faunus'. My Father thinks that he can get more Faunus to work for him if he pays them equally as humans, he really only cares for his business, so he has no real reason to hate Faunus since they help him make money. Even that he's on the Atlas council, he still really has no opinion on the Faunus. I happen to think Faunus are no different than us, they just have an extra part, that's all."

Lapis blinks a few times. "Wow."

"What about you?" Wisteria glances at her teammate.

"Me? Well, my father also said he's friends with many Faunus' and has zero reason to hate them, he kinda admires faunus' since they have the extra animal part. He thinks if he had some kind of animal part, he'd be able to do his job better. I didn't know there was racism against Faunus until I was in middle school when I first saw it."

Wisteria hums. "And what about Yin?"

"Yin?" Lapis rolls her eyes. "He's too dumb to hate anyone. I've literally never seen him not smile and be nice, he likes everyone."

"More people should strive to be like our leader."

Lapis gives Wisteria a 'Really' look. "He's an idiot."

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