Volume 3: Round One

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(I don't know if I'm ready for this Volume.)

(Also Team Colors. Yin is gold. Lapis is well... Lapis. Olivia is Forest Green and Wisteria is Royal Purple.)

A golden sun rises in an orange sky over the tall grass and autumn trees. In front of Summer's Gravestone is Ruby, with her cloak billowing petals in the breeze. Hands clasped and hood up, she stands over the white stone memorial.

Ruby lowers her hood, smiling sadly downward. "Hey mom." She puts her hands behind her back. "Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... Well, things have been pretty busy. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad." She shrugs. "...He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you." She looks forlornly. "I miss you too.

Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. I keep her in line... That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter, you can tell she's learned a lot from Dad. Well so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates. Together, we form Team RWBY. And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion...

Then Yin and Lapis are on a team together. She's still... you know, has a big crush on him. He's just too dense to see it. Though, with him and Weiss now... together, that doesn't help it. She gets very jealous. But Yin hasn't been getting in as much trouble as he did before, so that's a plus. His teammates, Olivia and Wisteria are good at making sure he doesn't get kicked out for bad grades... I like them, they're nice. They form Team YLOW. I find it ironic that I became a leader of a team and so did he, we're like... the least qualified people too. But it all worked out in the end.

Anyways, uh, I made a bunch of new friends, and I met some... let's just say, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys too! I guess it's like they say: Like mother, like daughter. ... I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he starts sounding like uncle Qrow."

A bark alerts her to the ever-adorable Zwei and the sight of her father, Taiyang Xiao Long,

Ruby looks back to Summer's grave. "Oh! Looks like Dad's back. I gotta go! He's drooping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission! Wish me luck!" She puts the hood back on and starts to walk away, but turns and delivers one final message to her mother. "It was a good talk."

She jogs over to her father and dog.




Inside a large house in Vale, we see Lapis in her room, sitting in front of a large mirror.

Lapis is singing as she puts three black ring ear piercings on her right ear. "And everyone dies. And everyone lies. They're waiting for the second coming again." She puts on some Mascara. "Everyone tries to hold onto their lives, when no one's alive." She puts on some eye liner. "And everything dies. Look to the skies. To see the end of all creation, again. See with your eyes, my army of flies. When no one's alive."

Lapis stops singing, then grabs a notebook from a drawer and flips through a few pages, before landing on one with song lyrics on it. She writes down what she sung.

Lapis hums a few times and sets her notebook down. "A few more verses and the song will be done."

Lapis sighs and looks to the side and sees a picture frame. It's of a younger her and Yin smiling at the camera.

"Tch, dumbass." Lapis stands up and stretches.

"Honey, you better get going or you're gonna be late!" Lac's voice is heard from down stairs.

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