The First Step

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It's early morning in the barn and we see Yin sleeping. Ruby and Yang are already gone and a shadow covers Yin.

Lapis looks down at the sleeping form of Yin with an annoyed look. Lapis raises her foot and she brings it down onto Yin's stomach.

Yin quickly wakes up and holds his stomach in pain. "Why?" Yin asks in a strained voice.

"We're gonna be late!" Lapis says as she grabs Yin's arm and drags him up and off the ground. "And you're not getting kicked out for being late."

Lapis begins to drag Yin to the washrooms.

Yin stands in front of the sink looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes start to slowly close till Lapis slaps him on the back of the head.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Yin yells at her.

"Hurry up!" Lapis yells as she begins to brush her teeth.

Yin rolls his eyes and grabs his tooth brush. "So needy." Yin whispers.

"I heard that." Lapis says in an annoyed tone.

Yin's eyes widen in fear and he quickly begins to brush his teeth.



Yin opens his locker, that's next to Ruby's, as Ren and Nora walk by them.

"Wounder what those two were so worked up about." Ruby questions.

Yin puts on his black leather jacket.

"There's a lot to be worked up about." Yin states as he grabs Judgement Day and puts in on his back.

"You seem awfully chipper this morning." Yang says to Ruby.

"Yep!" Ruby agrees as she grabs Crescent Rose from her locker. "No more awkward small talk or 'getting to know you' stuff. Today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." Ruby pets her scythe then she hugs it.

Yin and Yang look at each other and then to Ruby.

"Just remember Ruby, other people are going through initiation." Yin says. "If you want to grow up and be an adult, you're going to have to make friends and learn to work together."

"Ugh, you sound like dad!" Ruby complains and she sets her scythe back in her locker. "Okay, first of all what does making friends have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need help to grow up. I drink milk!"

"I do too." Yin flexes his arms, showing off a little muscle.

"But what about when we form teams?" Yang asks.

"Uhm, I don't know, I-I'll just be on one of your teams or something..." Ruby states.

Yin and Yang look at each other again then back to Ruby.

"Maybe you should try and go on other teams with people, you know. Make friends." Yin says.

Ruby walks up to Yin and points at him. "My dearest brother Yin, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me!?"

"W-What?!" Yin waves his hands in defense. "I never said that!"

"I think he means it'll help you break out of your shell." Yang adds.

"What the!?" Ruby yells. "I don't need to break out of my shell, that's absolutely ridiculous!"

"No need to get angry Ruby." Yin says and Ruby glares at him. "I'm sorry."

Ruby huffs and grabs her scythe and puts on the back of her waist.

"You're kind of bad at this." Yang whispers to Yin and he just pushes her away.

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