The Shining Beacon

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(If you don't know, I have another RWBY series where the MC is the twin brother of Ruby. So go and check it out if you haven't)

The airship arrives at Beacon and people start getting off. 'Vomit Boy' is the first off the ship as he runs to the nearest trashcan and vomits into it.

Yin gets off beside Yang and Ruby, who has a small skip in her step. Wisteria walks off the ship and passes the three siblings. Olivia is in the background with her Rabbit ears hanging down in nervousness.

The three siblings look up at Beacon as they stop and gasp.

Yang crosses her arms. "The view from Vale's got nothing on this!"

"Yes, we made it!" Yin pumps his right arm in excitement.

A student walks by with their weapon in hand. Ruby becomes excited. "Ohh! Ohhh! Sis! Bro!" Ruby goes chibi mode and the blonde twins look at each other. "That kid has a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!" Ruby begins to walk after the girl, but Yin grabs the back of her hood, and lifts her off the ground, making her return to normal. "Ow, ow!"

"Easy there, little Rubes." Yin sets Ruby back on the ground.

"They're just weapons." Yang states, causing Yin to faceplam.

"Just weapons?" Ruby questions as she turns to Yang. "They're an extension of ourselves. They're a part of us! They're so cool!"

"They're kinda cool, Ruby." Yin states.

"No, they're so cool!" Ruby aggressively says.

Yin puts his hands up in defense and takes a couple steps back.

"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon?" Yang asks. "Aren't you happy with it?"

Ruby grabs Crescent Rose off her waist and puts it in scythe form, then holds it over her shoulder. "Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people. But better."

"How is it better?" Yin questions. "I guess some of the people I meet threaten to shoot me, but still."

"You're just weird Yin." Ruby states, and Yin looks at her in confusion.

Yang grabs Ruby's hood and puts it over her eyes. "Ruby, come on why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?"

Ruby lifts her hood back. "But why would I need friends when I have you two?"

Yin nervously chuckles as he rubs the back of his head and people appear behind Yang.

"Well... Actually, my freinds are here." Yang states and they speed off past Ruby, making her dizzy. "Gotta go catch up. Cya, bye!"

Ruby twirls is dizziness and sees her older brother walking away with his friends.

"Sorry Ruby!" Yin calls out.




"And then the car went flipping through the air and almost crashed into me." Yin is telling the story of his race a few days ago, with a smile on his face.

"That must have been scary." One of Yin's friends say.

Yang waves his hand. "Pffft. No, I'm Yin Xiao long. I don't get scared."

"Your Girlfriends must've been pretty mad though, I heard you got caught." Another friend of Yin's says.

Yin raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Girlfriend?"

"Well, yeah, you and Lapis and pretty tight."

"Lapis? What?" Yin is really confused. "She's not my girlfriend."

"Well, still, I bet she's pretty pissed at you."

"Oh, it'll be fine."

"YIN!" Lapis' voice is heard.

"Eeep!" Yin jumps in fright.

Everyone turns around to see Lapis stomping towards Yin, with an angry look on her face.

"Oh, look your girlfriend is here." One of Yin's friends say, mockingly.

Lapis blushes. "We're not dating!" She yells as she reaches the group.

Yin nods. "Yeah, we're best friends, so we can't date."

Lapis then grabs Yin's ear in anger. "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"We need to talk!" Lapis says in anger as she begins to drag Yin away by the ear.

"Ow! How are you so strong!" Yin questions. "You're so tiny- OW!"

Yin's friends begin to laugh at him.

"Hey, use protection at least!" One of Yin's friends yell.

Lapis gains a massive blush.

"Protection?" Yin questions. "For what?"

"You're an idiot Yin!" Another one of his friends yell.

Lapis tugs on Yin ear.

"Ow! Can you stop?" Yin asks and Lapis let's go of his ear and he rubs it. "Thank you."

Yin looks down at Lapis. She's 5' (152.4 cm.) and Yin is 5'7'' (173.1 cm)

"So what did you want to talk about?" Yin asks innocently, then gets slapped by Lapis. "OW! What was that for!" He rubs his cheek.

"You ignored me and got caught by the police! Again!" Lapis yells as she glares up at her tall friend. "And you got me yelled at by my dad!"

"Well, I didn't know I was going to be caught."

"If you didn't turn off your radio, you would have know where they were."

"...Oh, right." Yin nervously laughs and scratches his cheek. "OW!" Lapis kicks his shin.

"You're such an idiot!" Lapis yells.

The two then hear someone clear their throat and they both turn to the side to see Wisteria, in her Atlas looking military uniform.

"This is a place of learning, not a sports stadium, so please stop yelling." Wisteria says.

"And who are you?" Lapis annoying asks.

Wisteria does a little bow. "I'm Wisteria Amberheart." She stands up straight. "And you two are disrupting everyone around you, so please stop." She begins to walk away. "And you both are going to be late for orientation."

Lapis and Yin blink a couple times, before pulling their scrolls out and looking at the time.

"AHH!" They yell. "We're gonna be late!" They run off.



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