Two Truths and a Lie

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Like any other day, Gio was in his office reviewing the latest documents from their newest business

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Like any other day, Gio was in his office reviewing the latest documents from their newest business. Of course, they were going well. Still, he had to make sure. Although strip clubs were the easiest to launder money, they were sometimes tricky because everyone suspected them. They were also an easy target for robbers, but Giovanni loved spending most of his time with them, and Caterina didn't mind. It was all look but didn't touch to her, and she knew how he loved dark-skinned curvy women. Although Gio wasn't the cheating type, he loved his wife too much to do so. Plus, his sons would kill him.

However, that didn't stop him from looking while owning as many strip clubs as he could in Rome and other surrounding areas. It also put a large workload on Giovanni's plate, forcing him to check the books daily, and he liked to do it in peace, but someone so rudely wanted to interrupt him. As a hard knock came on his office door, causing the man to let out a frustrated groan. He thought about ignoring it, but his son decided to walk in like he owned the place, with a stern look.

Giovanni knew it had something to do with his nephew. Berardo was out of his mind turning against his family for something he already had. The Romano Famiglia was powerful, the most powerful famiglia in Rome. No one dared to touch them and Gio understood that he wanted to stretch their connections and power over the sea, but like everything else. It took time, but that wasn't why his son was there. Giuseppe wanted the truth why he left him locked away in prison, and in his mind, it was the safest place for him, since he had men on the inside. Men that he soon realized were under his nephew's command and were looking to kill his firstborn.

Still, getting Giu out of prison would take some planning since New York was under Berardo's thumb. He was powerful there, and, in their eyes, he was a Don. No foreigner was about to come in demanding anything, especially when they knew nothing about Giovanni.

"Hai perso le maniere mentre sei a New York, figlio? (Did you lose your manners while in New York, son?)

"No, ma penso che tu abbia dimenticato il codice della famiglia. (No, but I think you forgot the family code.)."

"Never! I was working on getting you out, Giuseppe. You cannot possibly think I was going to leave you in there. Cazzo (fuck), I sent you to New York to help Berardo, not for him to turn against you or his famiglia. I don't understand the problem. The boy has everything. He's a Capo set to be your underboss and does this merda (shit)." Gio spoke while his son continued to stand in the middle of the floor, studying him. Giuseppe was looking for the shortest thread of a lie, but Gio knew he wouldn't find it.

Everything he said was the truth. He would die for his children, his wife... his family. However, Berardo wasn't considered as that now. Giovanni wanted the little bastard dead and now understood why his father wanted the same. Something wasn't right with the boy, and Gio thought he only needed love. A father's love, but he was wrong.

"That's hard to believe, Padre. For months you knew I was in there, and all I got was a visit from Arianna...."

"And the sexy goddess you have to lay underneath you."

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