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Stef's: POV
I'm sitting here comforting Lena after she gave her police statement to the officers who swung by the hospital
Since she wasn't able to speak due to her jaw being wired shut. It was killing me to see my baby in pain like this, l could kick this man's ass for what he did to my wife, she's had a few nightmares about the attack
Lena received get well cards and flowers from Shannon and Sasha
The children from the group home drew her picture which I thought was cute. Something tells me my father in law took care of the problem, no court date has been scheduled as of yet the girls were worried about their mommy. Francesca who was extremely upset once she found out it was her biological father that hurt Lena, we don't know how she find out
They all stayed at Stewart's and Margaret's. Lena needs to leave the wire for six weeks until everything heals up, but the sleeve on her arm has to stay on for twelve weeks. When I helped her shower, l saw her ribs
They were black and blue. It made me sick to my stomach, l had to washed her hair because she wasn't able to do it. Dr. Bailey has Lena on a high dose of pain medication, she's under strict orders not to lift nothing heavy for the next few weeks, Margaret went to the grocery store and purchased a bunch of groceries for the house
I told her she didn't have to do it
We are grateful for her help. Lena's supposed to be discharged later today
The forensic team took pictures of Lena's office. Of course she felt uncomfortable with people in her office, l had to explain to her they needed to dust for finger prints
Someone from the district attorney's office supposed to be in contact with us. I'm hoping this will be a speedy trial, their holding Mr. Matthews on a ten thousand dollars bond. I hate for this to get messy. All l know from Margaret is that he wants our daughters bone marrow to save his son's life, since Margaret's is Francesca's permanent guardian she has the final say so in the matter even though we adopted Francesca with her consent. She holds the cards in this whole situation, we're just waiting on the nurse to come in with Lena's discharge paperwork and then we can head. Lena is watching TV
I think we should go to the cabin so she can relax a bit just the two of us
I spoke with Shannon she's gonna take Lena's old office and give Lena hers which is on the second floor
I prefer her to be upstairs, it's the little things that scare her. Dr. Bailey suggested Lena see someone to get past this whole ordeal, that didn't go to well with Lena. So I took the referral of a list of therapists in the area. All of them were women, l know she doesn't want a man especially when it was one that attacked her in her office.

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