Visiting Lena

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I entered inside Lena's hospital room
And saw the nurse checking her vitals
Hi l'm Eve Lena's nurse l'll be here until tomorrow morning and then another nurse will come in and take over but l'll be back
The next day Eve tells. How is she doing on the medicine the doctor gave her l ask Eve
So far her fever has gone down some,
It's just a matter of time until she wakes up
The doctor thinks it's best that she stays asleep so her body can rest a bit Eve explains, okay but why is my wife hooked up to all these machines Stef States. The breathing tube up her nose will help her,
As you already know she has lung infection
She has a bad cause of the flu the worse l've seen, she's a very lucky woman l have seen countless patients who have the same thing your wife has. Some pull through and others are hanging on by a thread, l'm not saying this to scare you Eve says to me as l take a seat next to the bed and hold Lena's warm hand, the heart monitors is to make sure her heart stays at a study rhythm
The doctor will probably come in later on as she makes her rounds to explain more in detail and answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding her condition Eve informs me. Thanks l appreciate that Stef replies, were you planning on staying the night if so l will bring you in some blankets and a pillow
That couch over there in the corner pulls out to a sofa bed all you need is to remove the too big cushions and pull on the handle and it will open up Eve informs me, l just want Lena to pull through and be well again. I feel her squeeze my hand some
Alright l need to go check on some other patients please buzz me if you need anything, let me go get those blankets for you before l forget do you think after l finish my rounds we can go for a cup of coffee and chat a bit Eve asks me. Was this young woman flirting with me while l'm here holding my wife's hand, doesn't she see the wedding bands on both of our fingers. Eve you seem like a nice person
I wanna be here in case Lena wakes up
Stef said to Eve, hey l respect your devotion
to your wife Stef l really do l just thought
I'll ask Eve jot down notes in Lena's chat and exit the room. Baby l'm here
I got here as soon as I could, Margaret went home for the night, Eve says you're responding to the antibiotics. Love l can't make it without you our babies need their mommy and l want my feisty sexy wife
Who laughs at all my corny jokes, the restaurant was packed today Julie told me to you hi Stef whispers. Babe opened up those beautiful light brown eyes, we still have a lot of traveling to do. We plan on going to London for our wedding anniversary, remember the vows we took
For better and for worse l planning on keeping up my part baby you need to fight not just for me but for your parents and our daughters l can't do this by myself Stef felt Lena squeeze her hand again. That's it my love l know you can hear me Stef Stated
Of course l can your voice is music to my ears Lena says in a raspy tone, oh my lord your awake Stef sees Lena's eyes flutter

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