Chapter 23 The errand part 2

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A smirk crossed Spencer's face when he saw Jason in the waiting room. His eyes flickered in amusement and a large grin crossed his face, one that Jason wanted to permanently remove.

He was sat in the chair and once again his wrists were cuffed to the table. Once the guards were out Spencer said "Hello Jason.  What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Believe me Spencer seeing you is not a pleasure." Jason said as he tried to contain the anger that was boiling inside of him. He so badly wanted to reach across the table and choke the life out of the monster sitting across from, see the light as it disappeared from perverted eyes.

"Now is that anyway to speak to family Jason."

"You are not my family." Jason said with emotion in his voice.

"That hurt Jason." Spencer said with a pained expression. "You've always been like a brother to me."

"And you were always an annoying creep that I had to pretend to like to make my wife happy."

"Too bad you couldn't keep her satisfied though." Spencer snorted. "But at least your brother Jeremiah was around to make up for your short comings."

"Too bad Samuel wasn't willing to do the same for you. Maybe if he had you wouldn't have had four failed marriages before you were forty."
His smile then disappeared.  "Make that five failed marriages now." He then leaned forward. "But don't worry Spencer I'm sure you will find someone here more than willing to make a peckerwood like you his bitch." He then leaned back. "Hey it might be the most successful relationship you ever had."

Spencer then scowled at him. "I am no one's bitch." His mind then went to Shaun and how he looked forward to making him his bitch once again. A smile crossed his lips once again which Jason found unsettling. "Speaking of bitches." His eyes darkened. "How is that nephew Zach of yours?"

Jason slammed his fist into his face knocking his head back.

"You shut your damn mouth about him." A rage filled Jason said.

Spencer then laughed as blood ran down his chin and dripped onto his shirt. "I see he told you about our little encounter."

"He told me what you did to him you sick freak." Jason shook with fury, his mind screamed at him to hit him again. Make him pay for what he did to Ellen, to Zach, and to Jack. Pound his smug face until it was a bloody mess.

But he refrained. Even though every atom in his body begged him to him again he restrained himself.

Jason sat back in his chair telling himself to calm down. "He also told me what he saw that day." Jason said. "Perry and Percy also told me what they saw too."

"Percy and Perry." The mention of the twins caused his eyes to light up. "Such handsome boys..."

Jason slammed his fist against the table cutting him off. "Okay, okay I won't talk about the twins either." He leered as he said "How about we talk about you daugher Elizabeth instead?"

Spencer then let out a howl as he Jason planted both of his feet into his shin. He then let out a small laugh as tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

"As I was saying I know about the pictures you took of Jack."

Well the ones I took that day at least he thought but didn't say.

"And I know you did something to Jack." He scowled. "And I want you to tell me what you did to him."

"I didn't do anything to him." Spencer said.

"Don't lie to me." Jason snarled.

"I'm not lying." Spencer said. "I don't anything to your precious Jack."Nothing that he didn't beg me to do anyway."

Jason launched out of his seat sending  it back across the room and then slammed his fist into face again.  Spencer spit out blood and one of his teeth as Jason came around table. He then knocked his chair from under him and dropped to the floor

Spencer pulled against the chains to get back up only for Jason slam his face into the table.

"You son of a bitch." Jason yelled. He then got him into a headlock and squeezed. "Now you are going to tell me what you did to my son or I'm going to break your neck."

"Guards." He cried out. "Guards."

"Tell me before I pop you like the zit you are." Jason said.

The door flew open and two guards rushed in. "Let him go." One of them ordered and Jason released him.

Spencer coughed as he gasped for air.

"Put your hands behind your back." One said and Jason complied.

"What did you do to him?" Jason yelled.

"I didn't do anything to your slut son." Spencer said.

Jason tried to lunge at him only for the two guards to hold him back. "Calm down Mister Winters." One said.

"He said he felt you come into his bedroom when he was in the corner." Jason said as his face glowed a bright red. "That you stood behind him, he could feel your breath on the back of his neck.  What did you do to him? Did you touch him?"

"No." Spencer said as the other guard helped him. "I wanted to though." A hungry look filled his eyes. "I wanted to so badly. But each time I had the chance something interuppted." He said frustrated. "Cynthia, your nephew Zach, Samuel's boys, you."

"So you really never touched him?"

"No." Spenser said.

Jason looked at him unsure he if was telling the truth. He prayed he was. He had enough to deal with without adding sexual assault.

"I'm telling you the truth." Spencer said sincerely.

"I believe you." He said relieved.

"Great." He said. "Can you take me to the infirmary?" He asked the guard. "My head is killing me.,"

"Come on." The guard pulled Spencer out.

"Not so rough." He complained.

"Let's go, Mister Winters."

I guess I better give Turner a call he thought as they walked out.

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